
Kurrawang Mission

Kurrawang Mission, near Kalgoorlie, was established as a ‘native reserve’ in 1952 by the Gospel Brethren (later known as Christian Brethren). Until 1963, the head of the government departments responsible for Aboriginal welfare was the guardian of children at the Home. By 1968, there were 66 children, some who were wards of the State. Its…

Karalundi Mission

Karalundi, at Crystal Brook near Meekatharra, was established by the Western Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church as a ‘native institution’ in March 1954, for up to 50 Aboriginal children and, from 1955, children aged over 8 who were transferred from Wiluna mission. By 1971, there were 61 school-aged children. Karalundi closed in 1974…

Jenny House

Jenny House was established in 1994 by Parkerville Children’s Home to provide safe, supported transitional accommodation to young women who are homeless or likely to become homeless. In 2008 it became Penny Jones House. Jenny House has been relocated over the years, but has retained the name of its initial sponsor, ‘Jenny Craig’ the weight…

Fremantle Cottage

Fremantle Cottage was established around 1978 in White Gum Valley by Parkerville Children’s Home to provide short to medium-term accommodation for boys and girls in a home-like setting. It remained open in 2014. Parkerville Children’s Home established Fremantle Cottage in the southern Perth suburb of White Gum Valley from 1978, with a mission grant in…

Forrest River Mission

Forrest River Mission was established by the Anglican church in 1913, on the upper reaches of the Forrest River, near Wyndham. Around 40 Aboriginal boys and girls lived at the mission and were separated from their parents and lived in dormitories. Their lives were closely regulated until the 1950s. The head of the government departments…

Fitzroy Crossing Mission

Fitzroy Crossing Mission was established by the United Aborigines Mission in 1952. Children at the mission were under the under the guardianship of the heads of the departments responsible for Aboriginal welfare until 1963. The mission lands and holdings were transferred to the Tjunjura Indigenous Community in 1987. Fitzroy Crossing Mission was established by the…

Fairhaven Hostel

Fairhaven Hostel in Esperance, was established by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Inc. (now known as Global Mission Partners) in 1965. Its purpose was to provide accommodation for Aboriginal girls aged 14-17 years while they undertook education, training and employment in Esperance. The Fairhaven Hostel was run by the Churches of Christ…

Derby Hostel

Derby Hostel was established by the United Aborigines Mission in 1956 as a residential child care facility for Aboriginal children going to primary and high school in Derby. Until 1963, the Commissioner of Native Welfare was the guardian of all children at the hostel. In 1975, the Department for Community Welfare took over the running…

Cosmo Newbery Mission

Cosmo Newbery Mission, north-east of Laverton, was the new name given to the Cosmo Newbery Native Settlement when it was transferred to the United Aborigines Mission (UAM) by the Department of Native Affairs in December 1953. Until 1963, the Commissioners of Native Affairs and Native Welfare were the guardians of children placed at Cosmo Newbery….

Condingup Hostel

Condingup Hostel, near Esperance, was established by the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission (AAEM) around 1967 to accommodate Aboriginal boys working on nearby farms. Some of these boys had been at Wongutha Mission. From January 1975, the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board (Inc.) (CCFAMB) ran the Condingup Hostel to provide training and support for…