
Redhill Reformatory School

Redhill was established by the Anglican Church (Perth Diocese) in 1903 as a ‘senior reformatory school’ and ‘home for neglected boys’, beginning with six boys sent by a magistrate. In 1921 Redhill became a home for boys and youth up to 18 years with intellectual development disorders (described at the time as ‘mentally defective’). Redhill…

Pukulari Cottage

Pukulari Cottage, in the Kalgoorlie suburb of Boulder, was established in 1974 as part of the Kurrawang Mission run by the Christian Brethren. Its purpose was to provide accommodation for up to 12 children from Kurrawang to take part in community life as well as going to school in Kalgoorlie. In 1984 the Kurrawang Mission…

Perth Girls’ Orphanage

Perth Girls’ Orphanage was established as the ‘Protestant Orphanage’ in 1868 with 8 children, including one boy. It operated in a building near the Causeway, for children of all denominations aged 2-14 years. Children who were not orphans were also admitted. The Home was run by the The Committee until 1889, the Orphanages’ Committee until…

Parkerville Children’s Home

The Parkerville Children’s Home continued the Waifs’ Home, Parkerville from 1909. It was run by the Community of the Sisters of the Church from 1909 to 1925 and from 1925 to 2005 by the Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. Over time, Parkerville developed a range of youth care and family services, including non-residential programs. In 2005…

Padbury Boys’ Farm School

The Padbury Boys’ Farm School was run by the Anglican Orphanages Committee as part of Swan Homes from 1946 to 1955, on land owned by the Anglican church in Stoneville. Boys were sent there to gain training and experience in farm work. The Padbury Boys’ Farm School at Stoneville was part of the Swan Homes…

Mount Margaret Mission

Mount Margaret Mission, south of Laverton, was established in 1921 by R. Schenk, with assistance from the Australian Aborigines Mission. Around 1928, the Schenks established a dormitory system at the Mission, where Aboriginal children were housed separately from their parents. It was called the Graham Homes. By 1942 several hundred Aboriginal families, including children, lived…

Millington Street Bethel Home

Millington Street Bethel Home, Ardross, was established in 1962 in the private home of the founders of Bethel Inc, an independent mission society. From 1964, it was run by Bethel Inc for up to 12 Aboriginal students, male and female, going to high school in Perth. It had closed by 1982. The home of Don…

Methodist Girls’ Home

The Methodist Girls’ Home was established in 1917 in North Perth by the Central Methodist Mission, for girls of working age. When it closed in 1924, the young women were transferred to the Salvation Army’s Seaforth ‘reformatory’ at Gosnells. The Methodist Girls’ Home opened on 27 October 1917. At the Annual Meeting of the ‘Perth…


Meribah provided residential care for six school age boys and girls in a home-like setting.


Marribank, near Katanning, was run by the Baptist Union as an Aboriginal mission from November 1952, when it continued the Marribank Farm Training School. Marribank accepted children who were wards of the state and private admissions. By the 1970s, Marribank was reported as operating with a community development model and by the 1980s was offering…