
Wiluna Mission

Wiluna Mission was established by the Western Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church as a ‘native institution’ in October 1955 for young children and pensioners. After Grade 3, children were transferred to Karalundi. Wiluna closed in 1975. Wiluna Mission was established by the Western Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist Church as a ‘native…

Seaside House, Coogee

Seaside House, Coogee was established in 1931 by the Orphanages Committee of the Anglican Diocese of Perth as a holiday home for children from Homes run by the committee. In 1946 it also became a full-time residential facility for up to 30 primary-school aged children, run as a branch of the Swan Homes and then…

Warburton Mission

Warburton Mission, 579 kilometres north-east of Laverton, was established in 1933 as an outstation of Mount Margaret Mission until it became a separate facility in 1937. Aboriginal children either lived at the mission with families or were sent there for schooling. The head of the government departments responsible for Aboriginal welfare was the guardian of…

Ventnor Avenue Bethel Home

Ventnor Avenue Bethel Home, Mount Pleasant, was established in 1970 by Bethel Inc, an independent mission society. Ventnor Avenue could accommodate up to 12 Aboriginal students, male and female, going to high school in Perth. It had closed by 1982. In 1970, the Ventnor Avenue Bethel Home was surveyed as part of a government project…

Vailima Hostel

Vailima Hostel, in Narrogin accommodated Aboriginal girls and boys in a Christian environment while they went to school or work. It was associated with the Roelands Native Mission Farm and a local pastor from Narrogin. House parents lived at Vailima. Child welfare authorities placed children at Vailima. It closed on 25 November 1977. Vailima Hostel,…

Swan Homes

Swan Homes, in Middle Swan was created from a merger of two Anglican children’s homes in 1943. The Perth Girls’ Orphanage was evacuated to Swan Boys’ Orphanage at Middle Swan during World War II, and the two children’s homes merged into one institution. During this time, the type of accommodation changed from dormitories to large…

Seaforth Salvation Army Girls’ Home

The Seaforth Salvation Army Girls’ Home opened in 1920 in Gosnells (Kelmscott), with girls transferred from the Salvation Army Girls’ Home, Collie. In 1921 there were 30 girls. It closed in 1942, and some girls with an intellectual disability were transferred to Graceville. By 1945, the building became the Seaforth Toddlers’ Home (1945-1949) and it…

Roelands Village

Roelands Village was run by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Inc from 1975, as cottage homes for school-age Aboriginal children from all around the State. Children and young people at Roelands included those placed privately by parents and those who were state wards. Roelands closed in 1984. Children and young people from…

Roelands Native Mission Farm

Roelands Native Mission Farm was established in 1938 and was run by a council of management with Protestant church associations. It began as a farm for Aboriginal families but by 1941 admitted only Aboriginal children. At first, children under 8 were placed at Roelands, but older children were later placed there. There were 85 boys…

Chandler Boys’ Farm

Chandler Boys’ Farm was established in 1932 on a property at Seven Hills on the banks of the Collie River at Roelands. It was a privately-run training centre for up to 20 unemployed boys aged over 14 years who were selected for placement. Some had parents who paid fees, but others were subsidised. The farm…