Chesterfield House, Rockingham Youth External Accommodation Project was established in 1983 and over the years has provided emergency accommodation and other support services for six to ten young people aged 13-20 years. Chesterfield House was established and run as a community initiative, supported by the Shire of Rockingham and the departments responsible for child welfare….
Yes! Housing (Youth Externally Supported Housing) is the name that was given in 1997 to Youth Focus, which had been established by Anglicare in 1991. Yes! Housing offered emergency accommodation and housing program for young people aged from 15-17 years in the Perth metropolitan area who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. Supporting young…
The South Perth Refuge was established around 1983 by the Jesus People, who were also known as Perth City Mission and then Mission Australia. The refuge was described in 1983 as providing safe accommodation and support for up to ten young women aged 14-25 years, generally without children, with the length of stay dependent on…
The Australian Aborigines’ Evangelical Mission (AAEM) was established in Sydney in 1947. The AAEM ran a number of Aboriginal missions and hostels in Western Australia between 1949 and the 1980s. The recent history of the AAEM, and the location of any records, is unknown.
Ebenezer Home was established in 1968 in a private home and has since expanded to a number of homes in the northern suburbs of Perth, including Tuart Hill (Balcatta), Girrawheen, Marangaroo, and Balga. At first, it was an Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostel. In 1995 it provided emergency accommodation to up to 18 young women….
The Western Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the organisation that once ran Karalundi and Wiluna missions. Its ‘Safe Place Services’ offers support for people who wish to raise a complaint about the church, its institutions or people. Seventh Day Adventistism was introduced into Western Australia in 1890, when John Stockton was involved…
The Christian Brethren in Western Australia ran Kurrawang Mission (1952-1984) and its Pukulari cottage in Burt Street, Kalgoorlie (Boulder). In 1984 the Christian Brethren had withdrawn from management of Kurrawang Mission. In 2013 the Christian Brethren became part of the Christian Community Churches of Australia. The Christian Brethren, also known as the Plymouth Brethren, are…
The Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Hostel in Perth opened around 1954. In 1971, the hostel was described by Wilson and Robinson as an independently-run Aboriginal Education and Employment Hostel. It also provided accommodation for girls nominated by the Native Welfare Department to have holidays in Perth. The YWCA appears to have received a subsidy…
Wongutha Mission Training Farm, near Esperance, was established in 1954 by RW (Rod) Schenk. It was for Aboriginal boys aged over 14 and, by the 1960s, girls. There was training in farming and Christian leadership. Wongutha was run by a local board of management. In 1990, the Christian Aboriginal Parent-Directed School Inc (CAPS) from Coolgardie…
Wollaston was a Home in Bunbury that was run in 1973 by the Roelands Native Mission Farm and then, from 1975, by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board Inc. It accommodated up to five Aboriginal children from Roelands Village while they went to school or training in Bunbury. Wollaston later accommodated young people…