
Anglicare Victoria

Anglicare Victoria was formed in 1997 following the amalgamation of three Anglican child and family welfare agencies – the Mission of St James and St John, St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls and the Mission to the Streets and Lanes. At its establishment it carried on the work of providing care and support services…

Barnardos Children’s Family Centre

Barnardos Children’s Family Centre in Downer came into being in 1983 and replaced Barnardos House and Berwick House in Curtin. By the early 1990s Barnardos had shifted away from residential care to foster care and family support. From 1993 Barnardos Children’s Family Centre has run Find-a-Family ACT, a program organising permanent foster placements. Barnardos Children’s…

St Ann’s Reformatory for Protestant Girls

St Ann’s was established on 3rd March 1896 as a sub-reformatory of the Brookside Reformatory for Protestant Girls. Like the Brookside Reformatory, St Ann’s provided reformatory training to girls prior to them being sent to domestic service placements. It was located on a farm a few miles from Heywood in Western Victoria, and was variously…

Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind

The Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, which was known as The Victorian Asylum and School for the Blind until 1891, opened in Melbourne in 1866. Its aim was to provide accommodation, school and occupational training for up to 120 blind and vision impaired children and adults. It was initially located in a rented house…

Leslie House

Leslie House was opened by Anglicare NT in Alice Springs in 2010 to provide residential care for young people aged 8 – 17 years waiting to be placed in foster or kinship care. It was located in the former premises of Leslie Cottage which was refurbished during 2009 and renamed Leslie House.

Matthews Cottage, St Mary’s

Matthews Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1973 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Leslie Cottage and Heath Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Matthews Cottage provided cottage style accommodation for up to ten children under…

Leslie Cottage, St Mary’s

Leslie Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1973 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Heath Cottage and Matthews Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Leslie Cottage provided cottage accommodation for between 8 and 10 children under…

Heath Cottage, St Mary’s

Heath Cottage, St Mary’s opened in Alice Springs in 1971 as one of three town based family group homes. The others were Leslie Cottage and Matthews Cottage. Run by St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service who also ran St Mary’s Children’s Village, Heath Cottage provided cottage style accommodation for up to ten children under…

St Mary’s Children’s Village

St Mary’s Children’s Village was the new name for St Mary’s Hostel in Alice Springs from 1972 when it came under the management of the Anglican organisation, St Mary’s Child and Family Welfare Service. The Village included three cottages – Pink Cottage, Grey Cottage and Blue Cottage. Each cottage accommodated up to six Aboriginal children…

Umbakumba Mission

Umbakumba Mission was the new name given to the Umbakumba Settlement on Groote Eylandt when it was taken over by the Church Missionary Society in 1958. Many residents of the Settlement were temporarily moved to the Groote Eylandt Mission at Angurugu during the changeover. Dormitories for Aboriginal girls and boys were run at the Mission…