The Infant Life Protection Act 1890 (No. 1198) commenced on 31 January 1891. It shifted the control of overseeing paid children’s nurses to the police, and explicitly stated that people had to be registered if they were for the purpose of nursing or maintaining such infant apart taking charge of a child under two years…
The Children’s Court Act 1906 (No. 2058) established a closed court where children’s cases would be heard, established a clear protocol for dealing with children between the time they were apprehended and their court appearance, and formally recognised the importance of probation officers to the system. The Children’s Court continued largely unaltered into the second…
The Aborigines Act of 1890 (Act no.1059) was ‘An Act to consolidate the Laws relating to the Aboriginal Natives of Victoria.’ It extended the powers of the Governor to separate Aboriginal children from their families. The Act commenced on 1 August 1890 and was repealed by the Aborigines Act 1915 on 1 October 1915. In…
The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 gives you the right to access documents about your personal affairs and the activities of government agencies; and the right to request that incorrect or misleading information held by an agency about you be amended or removed. However, for privacy reasons not all information is automatically available. The…
The Neglected Children’s Act 1915, No. 2703 consolidated the laws contained in the Neglected Children’s Act 1890. It repealed the Neglected Children’s Act 1890, No. 1121. It was amended by Act No. 2875, Act No. 2980, Act No.3001, Act No. 3351, Act No. 3421, Act No. 3497, Act No. 3605, Act No. 3620. It was…
The Infant Life Protection Act 1915, No. 2670, sought to consolidate the Victorian laws relating to the protection of infant life (namely, the Infant Life Protection Acts of 1890 and 1907). It was a re-enactment of the Infant Life Protection Act 1907. The long title is ‘An Act to consolidate the Law relating to the…
The Neglected Children’s Act of 1890 (No. 5, Vict. 1121) was an act to consolidate the law relating to ‘neglected’ children in Victoria. It repealed the Neglected Children’s Act 1887 (51 Vict. No. 941), and was repealed by the Neglected Children’s Act 1915 ( No. 2703).
The Aborigines Act 1957 (No. 6086) was drawn up following the McLean Inquiry’s ‘Report on the operation of the Aborigines Act [1928]’. The 1957 legislation repealed the Aborigines Act 1928, and was itself repealed by the 1958 legislation on 1 April 1959. The Aborigines Act 1957 abolished the Board for Protection of Aborigines, replacing it…
The Act to Provide for the Protection and Management of the Aboriginal Natives of Victoria (No. CCCXLIX (349)), also known as Aborigines Protection Act of 1869, became effective from 11 July 1870. It established the Board of Protection of Aborigines, a government agency that played a significant role in the lives and affairs of Indigenous…
The 1984 Adoption Act (No. 10150) was a significant shift in adoption policy in Victoria. The Adoption Act 1984 focused on the needs of adopted children, and enshrined a child’s right to access information about his or her family of origin. In 1978 the Victorian Government had commissioned a review of the 1964 Adoption Act….