
Marriage Act 1936, South Australia

The Marriage Act 1936 (Act No. 2325/1936) was passed on 26 November 1936 and commenced on 1 May 1937. Its full title was: An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to marriage. The Act had several Marriage Act Amendments Acts: Act No.18/1941, Act No.7/1944, Act No.21/1950, Act No.21/1957, and Act No.31/1961. It was…

Prisons Act 1936, South Australia

The Prisons Act 1936 (Act No. 2305/1936) was assented to on 19 November 1936 and commenced on 1 June 1937. Its full title was ‘An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to prisons’. It was repealed by the Correctional Services Act 1982 on 19 August 1985. Amending Acts: Act No.22/1954, Act No.44/1956, Act No.30/1968, Act…

Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935, South Australia

The Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (Act No. 2252/1935) was assented to on 21 December 1935 and commenced on 2 January 1936. Its full title is ‘An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to the Criminal Law’. The Act had numerous amendments. It is current as at January 2015.

Mental Defectives Act 1935, South Australia

The Mental Defectives Act 1935 (later: Mental Health Act 1935) (Act No. 2230/1935) was assented to on 5 December 1935 and commenced on 2 January 1936. Its full title was ‘An Act to consolidate certain Acts relating to the care and control of mentally defective persons and to the administration of their estates’. The Mental…

Venereal Diseases Act 1920, South Australia

The Venereal Diseases Act 1920 (No 1442 of 1920) was titled ‘An Act to Regulate the Treatment of Venereal Diseases, and to prevent the Spread of such Diseases, and for purposes incidental thereto or consequent thereon’. It was assented to on 1 December 1920, and was repealed by the Venereal Diseases Act 1947 on 11…

Statute Law Revision Act 1934, South Australia

The Statute Law Revision Act (No 2168 of 1934) was fully titled ‘An Act to revise the Statute law and for other purposes’. It commenced on 15 November 1934 and was repealed by the Maintenance Act Amendment Act 1965 on 27 January 1966.

Technical Education of Apprentices Act 1917, South Australia

The Technical Education of Apprentices Act 1917 (Act No. 1294/1917) was fully titled ‘An Act to Make Provision for the Technical Education of Apprentices’. It commenced on 15 November 1917. The Act was amended in 1921, 1934 and 1940 before it was repealed by the Apprentices Act 1950 on 25 January 1951. Amended by Act…

Apprentices (War Service) Relief Act 1915, South Australia

The Apprentices (War Service) Relief Act 1915 (Act No. 1222/1915) was titled ‘An Act for the Relief of Apprentices Engaged on Active Service during the Present War, and for Other Purposes’. It commenced on 23 December 1915, and was repealed by Statute Law Revision Act 1934 on 15 November 1934.

Education Act 1915, South Australia

The Education Act (No 1223 of 1915) was titled ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Public Education’. It commenced on 23 December 1915, and was repealed by the Education Act 1972 on 14 December 1972. Amended by Act No.1268/1916, Act No.1371/1919, Act No.1391/1919 , Act No.1554/1923, Act No.1658/1924, Act No.1673/1925, Act…

The Mental Defectives Act 1913, South Australia

The Mental Defectives Act (No 1122 of 1913) was titled: Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law relating to the Care and Control of Mentally Defective Persons and the Administration of their Estates, and for Other Purposes. It was passed on 11 December 1913 and commenced on 12 August 1914. It was repealed by the…