The Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (PDPA) replaced the Information Privacy Act 2000 and the Commissioner for Law Enforcement Security Act 2005. This Act merged the functions of the Privacy Commissioner and the Commissioner for Law Enforcement Data Security into a single Privacy and Data Protection Commissioner. The PDPA retained the 10 Information Privacy…
The Victorian Crimes Act of 1890, No. 1079, included two sections, 333 and 334, which related to the treatment of young prisoners. There was provision for them to be transferred from gaol to the Department of Reformatory Schools, from where they were placed either in private reformatories or ‘service’. Section 334 gave the authorities the…
The Maintenance Act 1928 (No. 3722) came into being at a time when many Victorian statutes were consolidated. Jaggs writes that the original 1919 Act (which had been amended in 1924) was not substantially altered in 1928. Two years after the passage of the Maintenance Act 1928, the number of Victorian children maintained with their…
The Adoption of Children (Information) Act 1980 (No. 9510) amended the Adoption of Children Act 1964, and made provisions for access to information about adoptions.
The Status of Children Act 1974 ( Vic) ( No. 8602) removed the legal disabilities of children born out of wedlock in Victoria. The long title was ‘An Act to remove the Legal Disabilities of Children born out of Wedlock.’ It came into operation on 1 March 1975.
The Mental Deficiency Act 1939 (No.4704) provided for the establishment of state institutions for the care of mental defectives and retarded children and for the licensing of privately run institutions. It transferred responsibility for children defined in this way from the Education Department to the Department of Mental Hygiene. This change reflects the views at…
The Hospitals and Charities Act 1922 ( No. 3260) brought into being the Charities Board of Victoria, which was responsible for benevolent societies and institutions which were supported in whole or in part by voluntary contributions and which had as one of their objects the provision of ‘charitable relief to diseased, infirm, incurable, poor or…
The Public Records Act 1973 (No 8418) established the Public Record Office of Victoria (PROV), the state archival authority. The Public Records Act provides for the preservation, management and utilisation of the public records of the state. The Act provides that public records containing ‘personal or private’ material can be closed to public inspection for…
The Adoption of Children Act 1964 (No. 7147) was “An Act relating to the Adoption of Children and for Purposes connected therewith.” The Adoption of Children Act 1964 was passed on 5 May 1964, commenced on 1 January 1966, and was repealed by the Adoption Act 1984 on 16 November 1987. The 1964 Act was…
The Children, Youth and Families Act was passed by the Victorian parliament in late 2005, and its provisions came into effect on 23 April 2007. The Act required that there was a Charter for children and young people in care in Victoria, to provide a framework for promoting the wellbeing of these children and young…