
Adoption of Children Act 1896, Western Australia

The Adoption of Children Act 1896 (1896/006) made it possible to legally adopt a child under the age of 15 years in Western Australia. The Act was amended throughout the twentieth century and was eventually repealed by the Adoption Act 1994. The Adoption of Children Act 1896 came into operation on 23 September 1896. It…

Health Act 1911, Western Australia

The Health Act 1911 (1911/034 (1 Geo. V No.45)) repealed the Health Act 1898 and remains the principal public health legislation in Western Australia. In 1911 it had a number of impacts on children in out of home care, mainly through their participation in the school system. The Act allowed the medical and dental examination…

Health Act 1898, Western Australia

The Health Act 1898 (62 Vict. No.24) was the first comprehensive piece of legislation to regulate public health matters in Western Australia. In Part 7, the Act contained a number of elements that were relevant to children in out of home care: ‘Infant Life Protection’. Alice Mitchell, the famous Baby Farmer, was in breach of…

Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance, Western Australia

The purpose of the Destitute Persons Relief Ordinance 1845 (9 Vict. No. 2) was to stop people avoiding their financial responsibilities towards their dependents (usually women and children), but it also had a mechanism to put children into the ‘care’ of others. Section XI of the Ordinance allowed children over the age of ten years…

Guardians to Child Immigrants Act, Western Australia

The Guardians to Child Immigrants Act 1842 (6 Vict. No.8) was to regulate the treatment of young people under the age of 21 (‘juvenile immigrants’) coming as unaccompanied migrants to be apprenticed in the Colony. A guardian would be appointed for all such people, and that guardian was expected to exercise control over ‘the moral,…

Country High School Hostels Authority Act 1960, Western Australia

The Country High School Hostels Authority Act 1960 (Act no. 1960/037 (9 Eliz. II No.37) commenced on 2 December 1960. The long title of the Act is ‘An Act to Provide for the Establishment of a Country High School Hostels Authority and for incidental and other purposes.’ This legislation established and governed the operations of…

Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988, Western Australia

The Children’s Court of Western Australia Act 1988 ( 069 of 1988) prescribes how people aged under 18 years will be dealt with in criminal or child protection matters in the State.

Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972, Western Australia

The Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority Act 1972 (Act no.1972/024) commenced on 1 July 1972. Its long title was ‘An Act to make provision for the establishment of an Aboriginal Affairs Planning Authority, a Commissioner for Aboriginal Planning and an Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Council for the purpose of providing consultative and other services and for the…

Native (Citizenship Rights) Act Repeal Act 1971, Western Australia

The Native (Citizenship Rights) Act Repeal Act 1971 (1971/026) repealed the Native (Citizenship Rights) Act 1944.

Community Welfare Act 1972, Western Australia

The Community Welfare Act 1972 (Act no. 1972/031) came into effect on 1 July 1972. The scope of the Act was broader than the Child Welfare Act 1947, as it included a greater emphasis on general welfare services for the community as a whole. It established the Department of Community Welfare, which integrated the child…