Our Lady’s Orphanage was established by the Sisters of Mercy, Geelong Congregation at Newtown, Geelong in 1862. The orphanage opened with 22 girls, but quickly expanded with over 120 girls living at the orphanage by the 1890s. In 1907, the Sisters of Mercy, Melbourne Congregation took over the running of the institution. Our Lady’s Orphanage…
The St Vincent de Paul Orphanage was established in 1857 in Emerald Hill, now known as South Melbourne, by the St Vincent de Paul Society. The Orphanage was established to care for Catholic children who were orphaned, or considered abandoned, destitute or neglected. In 1861 the Sisters of Mercy took over the running of the…
St Augustine’s Orphanage, Highton, was established in 1939 by the Christian Brothers on a large farming property of approximately 180 acres located on South Valley Road, Highton, Geelong. It accommodated boys aged between 9 and 16. In 1966, the Orphanage changed its name to St Augustine’s Boys’ Home. In 1939, following several years of campaigning…
The Ballarat District Orphan Asylum was established in 1865 and run by a non-denominational board of management. The Orphanage farm was established in 1869. In 1909, the institution became known as the Ballarat Orphanage. The Ballarat District Orphan Asylum was established in 1865, in response to widespread community concern about the lack of services for…
Ballarat Orphanage was the new name given in 1909 to the former Ballarat District Orphan Asylum. It accommodated boys and girls from around Victoria, aged between 4 and 16. In 1968, the name changed to Ballarat Children’s Home. The Ballarat Orphanage was a large, two-storey Gothic-style building, dating back to 1865. In his submission to…
The Geelong Orphan Asylum was established in 1854. In 1862, the name of the orphanage changed to Geelong Protestant Orphanage, to clarify the asylum’s religious connections, although there was no formal connection between the Orphanage and the church. The Geelong Orphan Asylum came into being as a result of a public meeting in 1854, called…
Geelong and Western District Protestant Orphanage was the new name given to the Geelong Protestant Orphan Asylum in 1909. There was no formal connection between the Orphanage and the church. It accommodated boys and girls, aged between 4 and 14. In 1934, the institution moved to Belmont. In 1955, the Orphanage changed its name to…
St Catherine’s Orphanage was the new name given in 1912 to what was formerly Our Lady’s Orphanage. It accommodated girls aged between 3 and 14. In 1928, the Orphanage relocated from Newtown to Highton. In 1960, it became the St Catherine’s Children’s Home. Barnard and Twigg suggest that the Sisters of Mercy changed the orphanage’s…
On 2 June 1874 the the Christian Brothers opened St Vincent de Paul Orphanage for Boys in South Melbourne. The Orphanage was created following the split of the St Vincent de Paul Orphanage into two, boys’ and girls’ orphanages. In 1967, the Orphanage became the St Vincent de Paul Boys’ Home. Since closing, the St…
The St Vincent de Paul Orphanage, Prahran was established in 1854 by Father Gerald Ward under the auspices of the St Vincent de Paul Society. It was located off the High Holborn Road, later known as High Street, Prahran. The Orphanage provided temporary accommodation for a small number of Catholic children who were orphaned, or…