

Anglicare is the urban mission and community care arm of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. Previously, it was the Home Mission Society of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. Anglicare provides a wide range of community services and programs across the Sydney metropolitan and Illawarra regions of New South Wales. Anglicare manages the records of a…

The Salvation Army Australia

The Salvation Army Australia came into being in 2018 – the Australia Territory Board of Governance held its first meeting in September 2018. Previously, the Salvation Army structure had comprised the Southern and Eastern Territories. In 2022, the Salvation Army (also known as The Salvos) continues to provide a range of community services in Australia,…

The Cottage Home

The Cottage Home was established in July 1879 as a private boarding-out home in Newtown, Sydney. The Cottage Home had capacity for approximately 10 children and was managed by an older couple acting as house “father and mother”. It was established as a trial of the boarding-out “family system” as opposed to the institutional system…

Kids First Australia

In 2018 the Children’s Protection Society changed its name to Kids First Australia. Kids First Australia provides support services to children, young people, and families, such as counselling, treatment and therapeutic healing for cases of abuse and neglect, youth homelessness prevention, and mentoring and education services. Kids First Australia provides access to the records of…

Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc.

Jewish Care (Victoria) Inc. came into being in 2001 following a merger of Montefiore Homes and the Australian Jewish Welfare Society. Jewish Care inherited any surviving records of Frances Barkman Homes.

Foster Care Westernport

Foster Care Westernport was established in 1979. As well as providing foster care, it provided respite care for children with disabilities through the Westernport Interchange program. The agency had a separate foster care program for adolescents. In 1991, Foster Care Westernport merged with the Victorian Children’s Aid Society to form the new organisation, Family Focus….

Citizens Welfare Service of Victoria

The Citizens Welfare Service of Victoria came into being in 1947. Previously it was known as the Charity Organisation Society of Melbourne. The name change coincided with a change in focus towards casework and counselling, employing only professionally trained social workers and expanding its ‘client group’ into Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs. The CWS ran…

Uniting – Connections

Uniting – Connections came into being in July 2017. Previously the organisation was called Connections UnitingCare. It was a community service organisation that was part of Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited. Uniting – Connections had an adoptions and permanent care program, and provided a range of services for children, young people and families. Its predecessor…

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand was established in 2008 as the formal framework for the mission of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. In 2014, Good Shepherd Youth & Family Service (Victoria) and Rosemount Good Shepherd Youth and Family Service (based in New South Wales) merged with Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand to become one…

UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing

UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing is an advocacy, housing and support service. It began as Werribee Youth Housing in 1985, later becoming Werribee Support and Housing Inc. and in 2002, it became part of UnitingCare Victoria & Tasmania. UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing provides foster care through the Bridges program. In 2017, it became Uniting…