
Millen Street Hostel

Millen Street Hostel, Boulder, began around 1970 as the Boulder Boys’ Employment Hostel with supported accommodation for teenage Aboriginal boys of working age. It was run by the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission (AAEM) on behalf of the Department of Native Welfare, and by the Department for Community Welfare from around 1974. Throughout the 1980s and…

Ashley Youth Detention Centre

The Ashley Youth Detention Centre, established in 1999, was previously known as the Ashley Home for Boys. It is in Deloraine. In 2013, it is a government-run custodial institution for boys and girls, aged between 10 and 18. The 1997 Youth Justice Act established the Ashley Youth Detention Centre. It is the only institution of…

Ashley Home for Boys

Ashley Home for Boys, in Deloraine, replaced the Boys’ Training School in 1926. It was a government run reformatory which took in boys aged eight to 18, until the 1950s when it only took in boys over 14. From 1988, Ashley also accommodated girls. The Home operated on a privilege system, with boys working under…

Adelaide Youth Training Centre

The government-run Adelaide Youth Training Centre opened at Cavan in 2012. It replaced the Magill Training Centre and Cavan Training Centre as a secure institution for young offenders. The Centre focuses on education and rehabilitation for young men and women aged between 10 and 18 who are on remand and detention warrants. The Centre accommodates…

Magill Training Centre

The Magill Training Centre was the new name for government’s secure care facility, the South Australian Youth Training Centre from 1993. At this time older offenders were moved to the Cavan Training Centre and Magill was used for young people only. Young women were also moved from the South Australian Youth Remand and Assessment Centre…

Cavan Training Centre

Cavan Training Centre was opened by the government in 1993 at Cavan as a purpose built secure care facility for young men aged between 15 and 18. It accommodated young offenders previously held at the South Australian Youth Training Centre which was renamed the Magill Training Centre. Cavan changed its name to the Adelaide Youth…

Brisbane Youth Detention Centre

The Brisbane Youth Detention Centre in Wacol replaced the John Oxley Youth Detention Centre. It accommodates females and males aged 10-17 who have been refused bail and remanded into custody, or sentenced to spend time in detention for an offence.

Sir Leslie Wilson Youth Detention Centre

The Sir Leslie Wilson Youth Detention Centre, at Windsor, was formerly known as the Sir Leslie Wilson Youth Centre. A government-run facility, it operated under its new name as a remand centre until 2001, when it closed. The Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland Institutions (1998-1999) examined conditions at the Sir Leslie…

Sir Leslie Wilson Youth Centre

The Sir Leslie Wilson Youth Centre, at Windsor, was a State government-run institution for children perceived to be ‘trouble-makers’, emotionally disturbed children, and those who had broken the law. It came into being in 1983 and was formerly the Wilson Youth Hospital. The report of the Commission of Inquiry into Abuse of Children in Queensland…

John Oxley Youth Detention Centre

The John Oxley Youth Detention Centre in Wacol opened in 1987. Run by the state government, it catered for children placed in the care and control of the State, and those committed to the custody of the State. Serious offenders were held in the same facility, and shared accommodation with children who were unruly, difficult…