
Banksia Hill Detention Centre

Banksia Hill Detention Centre in Canning Vale, was established by the government of Western Australia in October 1997, replacing the Longmore Training Centre and the Nyandi Detention Centre. It is a secure facility for up to 120 young people (male and female) aged 10 to 17 years who have been sentenced, are on remand or…

Warminda Bail Hostel

Warminda Bail Hostel, in Welshpool, was run by the Ministry of Justice from 1993 to 1994 for young people (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal) on bail from the courts. Previously, it had been a hostel run by the departments responsible for child welfare. Warminda Bail Hostel closed at the end of September 1994. From 1997, the premises…

Longmore Detention Centre

Longmore Detention Centre was the new name given in 1993 to what had previously been the Longmore Remand and Assessment Centre and the Longmore Training Centre, after these facilities were transferred from the Department for Community Development to the Ministry of Justice. The Longmore Detention Centre was designed to provide secure detention for up to…

Warramia Group Home

Warramia Group Home, in Badgingarra, was a government-run Home established in 1972 on a farming property. It provided short-term accommodation for up to eight primary-school age children, with a cottage mother. From 1972, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal boys from the Hillston detention centre were sent to work on the farm at Warramia and from 1974 to…


Riverbank, in Caversham, was established in 1960 by the Child Welfare Department as a secure detention facility with a work-skills focus for up to 33 teenage boys. By 1970, 43 boys could be accommodated and by 1979 over 1,000 boys had been admitted to Riverbank for an average of nine months. After discharge, boys were…

Rangeview Remand Centre

Rangeview Juvenile Remand Centre, in Murdoch, was established in 1994 as a government-run detention facility for up to 80 male and female youth. By October 2012, the young people at Rangeview were transferred to the Banksia Hill Detention Centre. The Rangeview facility re-opened as the Wandoo Reintegration Centre for young adults in November 2012. Rangeview…


Nyandi was established by the Child Welfare Department in Bentley in 1970 as a maximum security female youth detention centre for up to 30 adolescent girls on a campus that included a 10-bed residential unit (Gwyn-lea). From 1986, Nyandi also admitted boys aged 12-14 years, and from 1989 young people on remand were admitted. In…

Longmore Training Centre

Longmore Training Centre (LTC) was established in Bentley in 1983 by the Department for Community Welfare as a maximum security facility for boys aged 13 to 16 years, with typical sentences of one to six months. In 1985, the admission age dropped to 12 years and in 1987 was raised to 14 years. In 1984…

Longmore Remand and Assessment Centre

Longmore Remand and Assessment Centre was established by the Child Welfare Department in 1965, in Bentley. It provided short-term custodial accommodation young people (male and female, aged 13-18 years) who were awaiting court appearances, were on remand; and others who were assessed and placed elsewhere. Admissions included young people who were wards of the State…

Gwynne Lea

Gwynne Lea, in Bentley, opened in 1970 as a government-run open residential unit that was part of the maximum security unit at Nyandi. It accommodated up to ten teenage girls (Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal), aiming to help them adjust to living in small groups while enabling them to go under supervision into the community. Gwynne Lea…