The Melbourne Youth Residential Centre is the sole facility providing custodial accommodation for remanded or sentenced young women (up to the age of 21) in Victoria’s juvenile justice system. The 30-bed centre also accommodates young men aged 10 to 14 years on remand or sentence by the Children’s Court to a Youth Residential Order. The…
The Malmsbury Youth Training Centre was established by the state government in 1965. In 2018, it was known as the Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct. Malmsbury is primarily for males aged 18 to 20 serving a Youth Justice Centre order. Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre closed in December 2023. During the mid 1970s the dormitory style accommodation…
The Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, Mitchell, was established in 2008 to replace the Quamby Youth Detention Centre as the ACT’s youth custodial facility. It accommodates youth aged 10 to 18 years. Bimberi is the first youth custodial facility to be designed, built and operated under human rights legislation.
The Quamby Youth Detention Centre in Symonston opened in 1962. It was a government-run facility, housing youth on short term remand, and (in the absence of any other facility) some children unable to live at home. Most ACT children who were sent to institutions in New South Wales initially spent some time in Quamby. In…
The Wildman River Wilderness Work Camp was established by the government in May 1986. It was a low security bush work camp for males aged 14 -18 who had been in lots of trouble with the law and was intended as an alternative to prison time. Residents and staff built the camp. By 1991 the…
The Darwin Correctional Centre at Berrimah in Darwin opened in 1979 to replace the Fannie Bay Gaol. It housed minimum and maximum security prisoners, sentenced and on remand. It had separate sections for young people and women. The number of young people accommodated decreased during the 1980s to 1990s. In 2013 Berrimah was scheduled to…
The Don Dale Juvenile Detention Centre which opened in 1991 was the first purpose built institution for young offenders in the Northern Territory. It provided secure accommodation for up to 25 boys and girls, aged between 10 and 16 or 17. The Centre replaced Giles House and Malak House, and took in young offenders from…
Malak House was the new name for Malak House Remand and Assessment Centre from 1987. Located in Malak, a suburb of Darwin, it operated as a detention centre for young people who had committed offences. Malak House closed in 1991 and was replaced by the Don Dale Detention Centre. Malak House Juvenile Detention Centre, located…
Giles House Juvenile Detention and Training Centre was opened by the government in Alice Springs in 1978. It operated as a secure detention and training facility for young people who had committed offences. It provided accommodation for up to 27 young people, many of whom were Aboriginal. Giles House closed in 1991 when the Don…
Hakea Juvenile Facility opened in early 2013 in the adult Hakea Prison in Canning Vale. It accommodated 73 male detainees aged between 14-18 transferred from the Banksia Hill Detention Centre after a riot at the youth facility. By late October 2013, all the youth detainees had been transferred back to the Banksia Hill Detention Centre….