Esperance Residential College continued the functions of the previous St Andrew’s Hostel, Esperance as a government-run hostel for young people attending high school in Esperance.
Broome Residential College opened in 2008, to provide accommodation for young people going to high school in Broome. It was one of the Country High School Hostels Authority colleges. Broome Residential College was established by the Country High School Hostels Authority in 2008. The Redress WA schedule of ‘Facilities Operated Subject to the Country High…
The Chidley Educational Centre was established in 1976 by the Education Department of Western Australia in Mosman Park as a result of advocacy by the Isolated Country Parents’ Association. It was a short-term (six month) residential program for children from country areas who needed specialist learning support. In 1979, there were up to forty children…
Moola Bulla was established as a government-run station near Wyndham. It was established to be self-supporting, training Aboriginal families to farm the land with European methods. Children were removed from other locations and placed at Moola Bulla, or were sent from there to institutions in Perth. Moola Bulla closed in 1955. Moola Bulla Station was…
Cockburn Youth Services Association ran Cockburn House, an emergency accommodation service for young people, from 1989 to 1993.
Agencies for South West Accommodation (ASWA) was the new name given to Bunyap Inc. ASWA continued to provide supported accommodation services to young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness throughout the south west of Western Australia. In 2011, ASWA became known as Accordwest. Agencies for South West Accommodation (ASWA) was new name…
The Albany Youth Support Association Inc. was established in Albany in the early 1980s to deliver youth welfare services and emergency accommodation for young people aged 15-25 years. It is better known as ‘Young House’ after the premises in which it is located in central Albany. Albany Youth Support Association Inc. was established in Albany…
Chesterfield House, Rockingham Youth External Accommodation Project was established in 1983 and over the years has provided emergency accommodation and other support services for six to ten young people aged 13-20 years. Chesterfield House was established and run as a community initiative, supported by the Shire of Rockingham and the departments responsible for child welfare….
The House of Mercy was established in Perth in 1891 as a ‘non-denominational charity for single mothers’. It was run by a private management committee. Women were expected to work in the commercial laundry at the Home, which was funded by these activities and charitable donations. The name was changed to the Alexandra Home for…
Youth Household was established in the Perth city area in 1985. It was run by Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services and provided medium-term supported accommodation to up to five young people aged 16-21 years. Also known as Youth House, the service closed in 1988. Youth Household was established by Mofflyn Child and Family Care…