The Deaf and Dumb Institution was founded in Sydney in 1860 by Thomas Pattison, a deaf migrant from Scotland, to provide education to deaf children. It started as a private school, with a residential facility, in Liverpool Street, near South Head Road. It then moved to Castlereagh Street and was officially declared a public institution…
The CatholicCare Diocese of Broken Bay is the new name for Centacare Diocese of Broken Bay. The name change occurred in late 2013. CatholicCare Broken Bay provides social services from Willoughby in northern Sydney up to Woy Woy on the Central Coast. CatholicCare Broken Bay provides foster care and out-of-home care residential services for the…
Grosvenor Hospital was a psychiatric facility and disability institution established by the New South Wales Government at Summer Hill in 1965. It was operated by the Health Department and occupied the buildings that had formerly been the Benevolent Society’s Renwick Home for Infants, Summer Hill. It provided care for children until the 1980s. In 1985…
The Grosvenor Centre was the new name for the Grosvenor Hospital at Summer Hill. It was a residential institution for adults and children with intellectual disabilities and psychiatric illnesses. It was run by the Department of Health until 1989 when it was transferred to the Department of Community Services. In the 1998 the NSW Government…
The Spastic Centre was a non-government organisation that supported children and adults with cerebral palsy, which was once known as ‘spastic paralysis’. It ran the New South Wales Hostel for Country Children at Allambie Heights from 1953. It was established in 1945 by a group of parents led by Neil and Audrie McLeod, whose daughter…
The Spastic Centre Country Children’s Hostel, also known as McLeod House and the New South Wales Hostel for Country Children, was a hostel for country children with cerebral palsy run by The Spastic Centre. A pilot hostel was established in Mosman in 1948 and a purpose-built facility opened in Allambie Heights in 1957. State wards…
Orana Youth Hostel was established by the Department of Youth and Community Services in Dulwich Hill around 1977. It is unclear when this home opened or closed. It appears to have been a hostel for boys.
Freeman Cottage was opened in 1984 by the Wesley Mission as a family group home. It was located in Abbottsford. As at 2014, it is not clear when this home closed or whether it has.
Wesley Mission was the new name chosen by the Wesley Central Mission in 1993. It is a Wesleyan Methodist non-government organisation that continues the social welfare, charity and ministry work of the Wesley Central Mission (1977-1993) and the Central Methodist Mission (1884-1977). Wesley Mission is a major provider of welfare services, including Dalmar and Lifeline.
The Bernard-Smith Children’s Home was established at Hamilton Park, Pymble by the Central Methodist Mission. It opened on 27 February 1960 after the building, Hamilton Park, was donated by Ken Bernard-Smith, a solicitor. It could accomodate 25 children children aged from two to 17. The Home closed in 1988. It was reported on that…