The Charters Towers Mental Hospital, at Charters Towers, was run by the State Government of Queensland. It opened in 1954 and closed in 2001. A new psychiatric facility was built on the site. It was named Charters Towers Rehabilitation Unit. The Charters Towers Mental Hospital’s first patients were admitted 16th September 1954 on transfer from…
The Aurukun Mission was an Indigenous community situated south of Weipa in far north Queensland. Run by the Presbyterian Church, it opened in 1904. Children on the Mission were housed in dormitories from around the age of 11. The dormitory system of care was abolished in 1968. The Aurukun Mission was established on 4 August…
The Preventative Home for Girls, in Riverview, was run by the Salvation Army. The home opened in 1897 and housed neglected girls 15 years and under. It operated as an industrial school, with the girls undertaking domestic and agricultural tasks. In October 1898 the facility changed to an Industrial School for Boys. The girls were…
The Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, situated at Herston, was established in 1967. It was previously known as the Brisbane Women’s Hospital. Lowson House, in Herston, was the psychiatric unit of the Brisbane Women’s Hospital (and later, the Royal Brisbane Hospital). Lowson House opened in the 1930s and closed in the 1980s.
The Stradbroke Island Lazaret, on North Stradbroke Island in Moreton Bay, was established for the reception and medical treatment of lepers. Run by the State government, it opened in 1892 and closed in 1907. Stradbroke Island Lazaret was established over an area of approximately 17 acres, about a mile from Dunwich Jetty, on Stradbroke Island,…
The Fantome Island Lock Hospital, in the Palm Island Group off the coast of Townsville, was established for the detention and treatment of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander people who suffered from sexually transmitted infection (STI). Run by the State government, it opened in 1928 and closed in 1945. The published resource…
The Fantome Island Lazaret, in the Palm Island Group off the coast of Townsville, was established for the detention and treatment of non-European suffers from Hansen’s Disease, more commonly known as leprosy. Run by the Queensland government, it opened in 1939 and closed in 1973. [Taken from ‘Fantome Island Lock Hospital and Lazaret Sites’, Department…
The Friday Island Lazaret, situated on Friday Island in the Torres Strait, was established in 1892 as a leprosarium for non-European sufferers of leprosy. It was run by the Queensland government and closed in 1907. Remaining patients were moved to Peel Island. On 27 Oct 1892, Friday Island, Torres Strait, was proclaimed a lazaret under…
The Dayman Island Lazaret, in the Torres Strait, was established in 1889 as a leprosarium for non-European sufferers of leprosy. It was run by the Queensland government and closed in 1892. Remaining patients were moved to Friday Island. The Dayman Island facility received non-European patients, the majority of which were Chinese. South Sea Islander and…
The Peel Island Lazaret, in Moreton Bay, was established for the detention and treatment of suffers from Hansen’s Disease, more commonly known as leprosy. Opening in 1907, Peel Island Lazaret was Australia’s first purpose-built, multi-racial lazaret in Australia. It was run by the Queensland State government and closed in 1959. Non-European patients from Friday Island…