
Holy Cross Home

Holy Cross Home, in Wooloowin, was operated by the Sisters of Mercy. The institution was renamed in 1966 – formerly it was known as the Industrial School for Girls, Wooloowin. Holy Cross Home discontinued accepting girls in care and control from 1 April 1973. State Government funding ceased in 1974. Holy Cross Home was located…

Riverview Training Farm

The Riverview Training Farm, in Riverview, was operated by the Salvation Army. In 1926 its function changed from a boys reformatory to a training farm for local boys and British ‘child migrants’ over 14 years. In 1935 it once again became an Industrial School. The name changed to Home for Boys, Riverview in 1956 when…

Stanmore Girls’ Industrial Home

The Girls’ Industrial Home at Stanmore was run by the Salvation Army at 97 Cambridge Street, Stanmore, on the same site as the Stanmore Rescue Home. The Girls’ Industrial Home was an industrial school for girls who had been through police courts and conducted training and employment assistance. It closed in 1948 and was replaced…

Parramatta Girls Training Home

The Parramatta Girls Training Home was the name given in 1912 to the former Parramatta Girls Industrial School. It accommodated around 160 to 200 older girls at a time. The girls had been charged with crimes, or committed by welfare organisations. In 1946, after a public controversy, its name changed again to the Parramatta Girls…

Riverina Welfare Farm for Boys, Yanco

Riverina Welfare Farm for Boys, Yanco was an industrial school, or juvenile detention centre, in the Riverina. It was established at the former Yanco Experiment Farm in 1928 by the Child Welfare Department and held up to 128 boys. It functioned as a training farm and the New South Wales Department of Agriculture trained the…

Gosford Training School

Gosford Training School was the new name given in 1923 to the Gosford Farm Home for Boys. It was an industrial school for boys aged 13 to 18 who were committed for ‘serious offences’ or had been deemed ‘unsuitable for training under the conditions of the Mittagong Farm Home’. It was run by the Child…

Gosford Farm Home for Boys

Gosford Farm Home for Boys was a reformatory established by the Department of Public Instruction. It was officially opened in 1913 but boys lived there from 1911, as they laboured to build it. The farm home occupied a 700 acre site on Penang Mountain (Mount Penang), near Kariong. It housed boys moved from the Brush…

Nautical School Ship Vernon

The Vernon was a tall ship purchased by the New South Wales Government in 1867 and converted to a Nautical School Ship. It was a reformatory and industrial school and housed more than 100 boys, training them in nautical and other trades. The Vernon was first anchored between Garden Island and the Government Domain, and…

La Perouse Training School for Girls

The La Perouse Training School was opened in 1928 in Yarra Bay House at Phillip Bay at La Perouse as an annexe of the Parramatta Girls Training Home. It held girls who had been committed to Parramatta but who were generally younger and was deemed less problematic. In 1940 La Perouse Training School closed and…

Newcastle Industrial School for Females

The Newcastle Industrial School was established on 6 August 1867 in the former Military Barracks on the Newcastle Government Domain. It was a place of detention for girls charged with neglect, wandering, street-trading or being ‘uncontrollable’. From 1869 the site was shared with the Newcastle Reformatory School for Females. In 1871 the institution was relocated…