Sunnyfield School, also known as Sunnyfield Children’s Home, was a special school for children with intellectual disabilities at Manly Vale. Children stayed over the school holidays, so it also functioned as a disability institution. It was started by the Sunnyfield Branch of the Sub-Normal Children’s Welfare Association, which became the Sunnyfield Association in 1956. It…
Cottee Lodge, in Ashfield, was set up by the Wesley Central Mission in around 1986 as a residential service to help homeless youth. In 2014 it appears this service has become an independent living programme, run by Wesley Mission. Cottee Lodge was established in a former convent, run by German nuns, which had 18 rooms…
The Spastic Centre Country Children’s Hostel, also known as McLeod House and the New South Wales Hostel for Country Children, was a hostel for country children with cerebral palsy run by The Spastic Centre. A pilot hostel was established in Mosman in 1948 and a purpose-built facility opened in Allambie Heights in 1957. State wards…
Orana Youth Hostel was established by the Department of Youth and Community Services in Dulwich Hill around 1977. It is unclear when this home opened or closed. It appears to have been a hostel for boys.
The Homeless Children’s Association Refuge was located at 429 Liverpool Street, Darlinghurst. It was run by the New South Wales Homeless Children’s Association from May 1981 until July 1983. Also known as 429, it was a shelter for homeless children and youth and hundreds of young people passed through its doors. By July 1983, the…
Avona Hostel, in Glebe, was set up by the Anglican Home Mission Society in 1947. It was for boys aged 15 to 18 who had appeared before the Children’s Court and were described by the Home Mission Society as ‘neglected, homeless or unwanted.’ The hostel held 25 boys. Avona Hostel closed around 1962. Avona Hostel…
Montrose Hostel, at Burwood, was established in the mid 1930s, in what had been Montrose Maternity Home. Run by the Child Welfare Department, it was a hostel for girls who were state wards. In 1949 Montrose changed its use to become Montrose Infants’ Home.
Montrose Child Protection Centre, in Burwood, was established around 1978. Before it was converted by the Department of Youth and Community Services to a specialist child protection centre it had been the Montrose Infants’ Home. From 1978 Montrose functioned as crisis accommodation and a hostel for children who needed protection from abuse. It also served…
Winbin, in Strathfield, was opened by the Department of Youth and Community Services in 1975 as a hostel for wards of the state who were of working-age as well as some who were pregnant. It had previously been a home for preschool-aged children. In 1983 Winbin catered to girls aged 15 to 18. In 1984…
Corelli, in Marrickville, was a hostel for six male state wards aged from about 14 to 18. Before this, the building was a babies’ home (also known as Corelli, which was the name of the house). Corelli was established by the Department of Child Welfare and Social Welfare. Corelli closed in 1991. Corelli was located…