Mi Gunyah Youth Hostel, in Toowoomba, was established in early 1991 by the Toowoomba Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural and Recreational Activities (TACCRA). Funding was approved for the Hostel in April 1991. In 1997, TACCRA was re-incorporated as South East Qld Aboriginal Community Care Agency Aboriginal Corporation (SEQACCA). According to the publication Missing Pieces , Mi…
Kiah Hostel was a residential facility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in care, which opened in Norman Park in around 1973. It was operated by the Queensland Aboriginal and Islanders’ Catholic Council. By around the early 1990s, Kiah Hostel was operated by the Aboriginal & Islander Apostolate within the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane….
Granada Hostel, 49 Stewart Road, Ashgrove was operated by the Hospitaller Order of St John of God. It opened 18 August 1979 and was licensed under the Children’s Services Act 1965. It closed 1 December 1985.
Crossroads was a hostel in Sandgate, which opened 15 March 1980. It was operated by Crossroads Community Youth Organisation. Funding was suspended 1 January 1985 and its license was surrendered November 1985. In Missing Pieces (2001), it was stated that members of the former committee have advised that no files are held relating to the…
Beemar Yumba Aboriginal Children’s Hostel was a residential care service funded by the Department of Child Safety. It accommodated children between the ages of 5 years and 15 years. The children required ‘out of home care’ due to statutory intervention or parental agreement. All children and young people were referred to Beemar Yumba Hostel by…
The Outlook, at Boonah, was a government-run residential facility for high needs children. It opened on 28 June 1976 and ceased to operate in July 1979. The Outlook was designed to accommodate high needs children from across Queensland. The facility consisted of a special school, residential accommodation and a mental health service. The residents placed…
Taringa Transition Hostel, in Taringa was established in 1973 and closed around 1985/86. It was run by the State Government.
The Kelvin Grove Transition Hostel, at Kelvin Grove, was a government-run hostel established in 1973. It closed around 1977.
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Boys’ Hostel, Dubbo, opened in 1923 as a boarding hostel that provided accommodation to boys from remote areas so they could attend high school in Dubbo. The hostel was owned by the Presbyterian Church. By 1945 the hostel had closed. St Andrew’s Presbyterian Boys’ Hostel, Dubbo, was officially opened in June 1923,…
Kurrawong House was established by the St Vincent de Paul Society as a girls hostel around 1967 in Granville/Parramatta. Kurrawong House became a youth hostel and accommodated both boys and girls from c.1982. In 1986 Kurrawong House joined with Sienna Youth Crisis Centre and provided what was described as a total service, including assessment, crisis…