Yooralla was established in Balwyn in 1945. It was a hostel and school for children with a disability. It accommodated some Victorian wards of state. Yooralla also ran a respite care home and two family group homes. The Balwyn site and facilities were sold in 1993. Yooralla purchased a property on the corner of Belmore…
The Western Youth Welfare Service (WYWS) was established by the Victorian government in Ascot Vale in 1975. It provided residence and support for about 200 young people every year. The WYWS included a hostel that helped prepare residents return home or to live independently. It also ran day and evening programs to assist young people…
Brady House was run by the Mission of St James and St John in partnership with the Church of England Men’s Society in Strathmore from 1964. It was a hostel for young men, including those recently released from prison. It closed in 1978. Brady House had a quota of reserved placements for young men recently…
Spring House was established by the Salvation Army in 1921. It was located on the corner of Spring and Lonsdale Streets, Melbourne. According to O’Hanlon, Spring House was one of a series of hostels built by the Salvation Army in state capital cities during the interwar period. Spring House closed in 1984. O’Hanlon writes that…
Bayside Community Youth Hostel, East Frankston was established in the late 1970s. First run by a local committee, management was transferred to Peninsula Family Services (Salvation Army) in 1994. Bayside Community Youth Hostel was located at 49 Dandenong Road, East Frankston; it was established after the closure of Terrapee Hostel.
Lyndon Lodge was a hostel run by the Salvation Army to provide ‘aftercare’ for boys leaving the Bayswater Boys’ Homes. It opened in 1946 in a property known as ‘Talana’ in Auburn, an area of Hawthorn. It provided accommodation for up to 30 boys between the ages of 14 and 18 who were learning trades…
The Allenby Lodge Young Women’s Hostel, at 410 Burwood Road, Glenferrie (Hawthorn) was established by the Salvation Army in 1919. It catered for young women from the Army’s Homes at Camberwell and Kew who were unable to return home, or to secure appropriate board and lodging. According to O’Hanlon, Allenby Lodge was designed ‘to provide…
Harrison House in Hawthorn was established in 1960. Run by the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, it provided hostel-style residential accommodation for wards of state, boys on probation from the courts or institutions, and boys coming to Melbourne to find work from Kilmany Park in Gippsland. In its early years, it was known as Arthur Harrison…
St John’s Homes for Boys and Girls came into 1958. Previously, it had been called St John’s Home for Boys. The name change reflected a decision by the Board of Management in 1956 that St John’s was to move towards a cottage system of accommodation and could start to receive both boys and girls. The…
The St Vincent de Paul Girls’ Orphanage opened in 1874 and was run by the Sisters of Mercy. The Orphanage was created following the split of the St Vincent de Paul Orphanage into a boys’ and a girls’ orphanage. It housed girls aged between 5 and 15. In 1962, the name changed to St Vincent…