
Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel

The Toorak Gardens Boys’ Hostel opened in 1967 at Toorak Gardens. Run by the same independent Board of Management as the Morialta Protestant Children’s Home, it provided accommodation for boys who had left the Children’s Home and were studying or working. The Hostel, along with the Children’s Home was renamed Morialta Children’s Homes Incorporated in…

Church of England Diocesan Mission House

The Church of England Diocesan Mission House opened on Wellington Square in North Adelaide in 1945. The Sisters of the Community of the Holy Name ran it as a short term refuge and hostel for women and children. In 1949 the Mission House changed its name to the Hostel of the Holy Name. The Church…

Oodnadatta Hostel

The Oodnadatta Hostel opened in Oodnadatta in 1970. It was funded by the Commonwealth Government and run by the Save the Children Fund in consultation with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs. The former superintendent of the United Aborigines Mission (UAM) Oodnadatta Children’s Home became the superintendent of the new hostel. The majority of children in…

Nidlandi Hostel

Nidlandi Hostel was established in 1972 in Adelaide and initially operated as a private alternative school, which was also known as the South East Corner Group. It became a hostel in 1974, providing accommodation for teenagers aged between 12 and 18. Nidlandi is an Aboriginal word meaning ‘stop moving’. From 1977 Nidlandi was licensed by…

Little Para House Youth Shelter

Little Para House opened in Elizabeth Vale in 1978 and was run by the Little Para House Association Inc. It operated as a youth shelter for eight young people, aged up to 18. The shelter was licensed by the state government and received financial assistance from the state and Commonwealth governments. Little Para House closed…

Lutheran Girls’ Hostel, College Park

The Lutheran Girls’ Hostel was opened at College Park in 1959. It was run by the Lutheran Church as a hostel for country girls who came to the city to study or work. Fall in demand brought financial problems which led to the closure of the Hostel in the early 1980s. The Lutheran Girls’ Hostel…

Waverley Hostel

Waverley Hostel was established by the Catholic Church in 1972 to provide accommodation for girls who had been living at the St Vincent de Paul Orphanage at Goodwood. It provided board and supervision for up to eight girls until they found employment and were able to live independently. The girls were supervised by members of…

Catholic Boys’ Hostel, Parkside

The Catholic Boys’ Hostel at Parkside provided accommodation for boys who had left the boarding section of the Salesian School, previously known as St John’s Boys Town. The Hostel provided aftercare and supervision for boys who had taken up jobs. The Hostel closed in 1979. The premises at Parkside became the Hannah Buckley Cottage in…

Parkside Hostel

The Parkside Hostel was a hostel run by the Catholic Church in the suburb of Parkside. It opened in 2001. In 2014 the exact location, purpose and closing date of the Hostel were unknown.

Wiltja Hostel

Wiltja Hostel was opened in 1956 at Millswood by the Aborigines Advancement League. It provided accommodation for Aboriginal girls who were attending secondary school in Adelaide. In 1978 the Hostel ceased to operate as a Hostel for Aboriginal girls and became a boarding home for adult Aboriginal people visiting the city. Wiltja Hostel for Aboriginal…