
Condingup Hostel

Condingup Hostel, near Esperance, was established by the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission (AAEM) around 1967 to accommodate Aboriginal boys working on nearby farms. Some of these boys had been at Wongutha Mission. From January 1975, the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board (Inc.) (CCFAMB) ran the Condingup Hostel to provide training and support for…

Charles Perkins Hostel

Charles Perkins Hostel in Halls Creek began in 1962 as a government-run hostel for school-age children, on the site of the old Australian Inland Mission. By 1995, its role had changed to child protection placements. Around 2000, its name was changed to the Yurag-Man-Gu Taam-Purru Placement and Support Centre. Charles Perkins Hostel in Halls Creek,…

Canning Highway Bethel Home

Canning Highway Bethel Home, Applecross, was established in 1966 by Bethel Inc, an independent mission society. It was an Aboriginal education and employment hostel, providing accommodation for up to 12 Aboriginal students, male and female, going to high school in Perth. It had closed by 1982.


Canowindra, in the southern Bunbury suburb of Gelorup, was established as a government-run group home around 1974. The home accommodated children from the local area so that they could maintain family and other social relationships while they were unable to live at home. The age and needs of these children varied over the time of…

Bulungurr Hostel

Bulungurr Hostel, in Wyndham, was developed by the Department for Community Welfare in 1973 as an emergency hostel for Aboriginal families on the site of the old ‘Native Hospital’. A kindergarten and youth training programs were run from the centre for some years. It is not known whether any children were accommodated at Bulungurr. The…

Millen Street Hostel

Millen Street Hostel, Boulder, began around 1970 as the Boulder Boys’ Employment Hostel with supported accommodation for teenage Aboriginal boys of working age. It was run by the Australian Aborigines Evangelical Mission (AAEM) on behalf of the Department of Native Welfare, and by the Department for Community Welfare from around 1974. Throughout the 1980s and…

Bentley House

Bentley House was established around 1972 as a government-run hostel for Aboriginal high school students. It was one of Anglican Social Services’ welfare facilities. After 2006 it is likely to have been used as a government-run residential group home, also known as Bentley House. Bentley House was opened around 1972 or 1973. Government reports (Signposts…

Bennett House

Bennett House was the new name given to the East Perth Girls’ Home in 1952. It was a government-run transit hostel providing short-term accommodation for Aboriginal children and women from the country. In 1981, full responsibility for Bennett House was transferred to Aboriginal Hostels Ltd. Bennett House was the new name given to the East…

Bedford Hostel

Bedford Hostel opened in 1971 and provided accommodation to young Aboriginal women attending Edwards Business College. At first it was managed on behalf of the Department of Native Welfare by Edwards Business College before becoming government-run, probably by 1972. By the 1980s, Bedford Hostel was used for assessments and emergency placement and became one of…

Bamburra Hostel

Bamburra Hostel opened in 1970 in Yokine. It was for Aboriginal teenage girls from remote areas attending high school and other education and training, although from 1994 (or possibly earlier) boys were also admitted. Bamburra was run by the Churches of Christ Federal Aborigines Mission Board from 1970 to 1984. Since then it has been…