The Clarence Park Assessment Unit was opened by the government at Clarence Park in 1990, on the site of the former Southern Region Admission Unit. It provided short-term accommodation to children in State care while their residential and care needs were assessed. The Unit closed in 1991-92. Its functions were transferred to the Sturt Community…
The Boys Reformatory, Magill was established in 1869 in the northern wing of the Magill Industrial School. Run by the Destitute Board, it accommodated boys who had been charged with an offence or were considered to have behavioural problems. In 1880 the boys were moved to a ship in Largs Bay, The Reformatory Hulk, Fitzjames….
St Joseph’s Junior Boys Home run by the Sisters of St Joseph was the new name for St Joseph’s Orphanage at Largs Bay in the 1960s. The name change acknowledged that the Home accommodated only boys, from 3 to 12 years. In 1969, girls were again accommodated and the name became to St Joseph’s Children’s…
St Mary’s Home for Children was the new name given to St Mary’s Mission of Hope in Halifax Street, Adelaide, in 1953. The Home’s new name acknowledged that St Mary’s had returned to caring for young children only. It was run by an independent management committee that reported to the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide until…
The Orphan Home was established in Stepney in 1860 by a group of members of the Church of England. Run by an independent management committee that reported to the Diocese of Adelaide, the Orphan Home was for girls of primary school age. In 1861 it moved to Carrington Street, Adelaide and then in 1908 to…
Townsend House for Deaf and Blind Children, located in Brighton, was formed in 1970 when the Townsend House Schools for Deaf and Blind Children were divided into a State Government-run day school called South Australian Schools for Deaf and Blind Children, and a residential section called Townsend House for Deaf and Blind Children. Run by…
Townsend House Schools for Deaf and Blind Children was the new name given to the South Australian Institution for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb in 1946. Situated at Brighton, it was run by a board of management and provided both schooling and residential care. In 1970 the running of the school at Townsend House…
The South Australian Institution for the Blind and Deaf and Dumb opened in Brighton in 1874 in the former Grace Darling Hotel. It was run by a committee founded by MP William Townsend. The foundation stone for a new building was laid in 1876. It was officially opened in June 1878. In 1946 the Institution…
In 2006 Julia Farr Services became part of Disability SA and was renamed Highgate Park. It continued to provide residential care for people with disabilities in 2018. Young people, 15 years and up, are still admitted to Highgate Park. It also included an aged-care facility run by the ACH Group. Highgate Park was closed in…
In 1995 the Julia Farr Centre changed its name to Julia Farr Services. It provided residential care and assistance for people living with a disability and aged care services. In 2006 Julia Farr Services became a part of Disability SA. While some portions of the Fullarton site remained in operation, others parts were sold. The…