

Greenplace was a government-run facility, established in Mosman Park in 1914 as an annexe of the Claremont Hospital for the Insane. It admitted female psychiatric patients, possibly including adolescents with intellectual disabilities. From 1946 until it closed in 1979, Greenplace was a hostel for female psychiatric patients. Greenplace was established in 1914 as an annexe…

Claremont Mental Hospital

Claremont Hospital for the Insane was established in 1903, becoming known as the Claremont Mental Hospital in 1933. It was a government-run facility that accommodated children and young people with intellectual and other disabilities until the hospital closed in 1972. Claremont Mental Hospital was Western Australia’s main mental health institution from 1903 to 1972. Children…

Whitby Falls Hospital

Whitby Falls Hospital was a government-run facility, established in 1897 at Jarrahdale, as an annexe of the Fremantle Asylum. Male psychiatric patients described as ‘quiet and chronic’ were sent there as well as adolescents with intellectual disabilities. In 1972 the hospital closed and a hostel was opened on the site. Whitby Falls Hospital was started…

Fremantle Asylum

Fremantle Asylum was a government-run facility, established in 1857 to house adults with mental illness. By the 1890s increasing numbers of children aged 9-15 years with intellectual and other disabilities were sent there. Fremantle Asylum closed in 1909. Fremantle Asylum was built and run by the colonial government from 1857. By the 1890s increasing numbers…

Gerald Mission

Gerald Mission was established in 1851 when the government granted the Wesleyan Reverend John Smithies land to relocate the Wanneroo Native School to more arable land in York. Aboriginal adults and children from Wanneroo relocated there. In 1854 the government took over the administration, and in 1855 Gerald Mission closed. The Wanneroo Native School had…

Hillston Point Walter Annexe

Hillston Point Walter Annexe operated from around 1958. It was located at the Point Walter Migration Reception Centre. The Annexe was intended to provide a place where ‘trusted boys were sent for a trial period prior to their return to civil life’. The Hillston Point Walter Annexe closed around 1984.

Wanneroo Native School

Wanneroo Native School, also known as Galililup Mission Farm (with various spellings) was established in 1844 by the Wesleyan (Methodist) Rev. John Smithies as a farm school to educate and train Aboriginal children aged 6-19 years, some of whom had come from the Native School in Perth when it closed. Wanneroo Native School relocated to…

Native Institution, Mount Eliza

A Native Institution was established by the colonial government in 1834. Its purpose was to teach English to local Aboriginal people and instruct them in living in a settled colony. The Superintendent was Francis Armstrong, who was the ‘native interpreter’ for the colony. The institution closed in 1838 and a steam mill was built in…

Methodist Hostel for Boys, Albany

The Methodist Hostel for Boys was established in 1946 by the Home Missions Department of the Methodist Church as a hostel for boys going to high school in Albany. It was known as ‘Norman House’ after Mr John Norman who was a member of the Methodist Conference in recognition of what was described as his…

Hardie House, South Hedland

Hardie House was established around 1964 in South Hedland. It was a hostel to accommodate children attending the Port Hedland High School that opened around that time. Hardie House was operating in the 1980s, by which time it was managed by Goldsworthy Mining, but it is uncertain when it closed. Hardie House, also known as…