
Clarke Crescent Cottage, Somerville Homes Inc

Clarke Crescent Cottage opened in Rapid Creek in 1971. Run by Somerville Homes Incorporated it was one of six cottages which made up Somerville Cottage Homes. It accommodated up to eight children aged between 4 and 16 years under the supervision of cottage parents. The Cottage closed in 1981. Clarke Crescent Cottage opened in 1971…

Luxton Street Cottage, Somerville Homes Inc

Luxton Street Cottage opened in Stuart Park in 1971. Run by Somerville Homes Incorporated it was one of six cottages which made up Somerville Cottage Homes. It accommodated up to eight children aged between 4 and 16 years under the supervision of cottage parents. The Cottage Home closed in 1981. Luxton Street Cottage opened in…

Henry Street Cottage, Somerville Homes Inc

Henry Street Cottage opened in Stuart Park in 1969. Run by Somerville Homes Incorporated it was one of six cottages which made up Somerville Cottage Homes. It accommodated up to eight children aged between 4 and 16 years under the supervision of cottage parents. The Cottage closed in 1981. Henry Street Cottage opened in 1969…

Chapman Road Cottage

Chapman Road Cottage opened in Rapid Creek in 1969. Run by Somerville Homes Incorporated it was one of six cottages which made up Somerville Cottage Homes. It accommodated up to eight children aged between 4 and 16 years under the supervision of cottage parents. The first group of children in the cottage came from Croker…

Adolescent Receiving Home

The Adolescent Receiving Home was opened by the government in Darwin in 1961 as a temporary Receiving Home for older girls, mostly those in the care of the State. The run-down premises accommodated up to seven girls. In 1963 the Home closed and the girls were transferred to Palmerston House. The need for a separate…

Mount Blatherskite Hostel

The Mount Blatherskite Hostel was established in 1946 by the Australian Board of Missions at Mount Blatherskite near Alice Springs. It provided accommodation and training for Aboriginal children who were studying or doing apprenticeships in Alice Springs. Parents paid board for their children placed in the Hostel. The Mount Blatherskite Hostel was renamed the St…

Griffiths House

Griffiths House opened in 1945 as a hostel for children from remote areas of Central and Northern Australia who were attending school in Alice Springs. It was run by the Methodist Inland Mission and provided accommodation for between 30 and 40 children. Griffiths House closed in 1965 when St Philips College opened. Griffiths House opened…

Bradshaw House

Bradshaw House was the new name given to the Receiving Home, Alice Springs in 1966. It was run by the government as a short term care facility for children placed in the care of the Director of Welfare. Many children, however, remained in the institution for long periods. The average number of children resident in…

Dundas House

Dundas House was opened in Darwin by the government in 1961 as a Receiving Home for girls up to the age of 12 and school aged boys who required temporary accommodation. Children accommodated at the Home for more than one week were enrolled in schools in the Darwin area. It accommodated up to 12 children…

Palmerston House

Palmerston House was established in Darwin by the government in July 1963 as a Receiving Home for adolescent girls from the temporary Adolescent Receiving Home. In 1963 it accommodated seven girls, 5 of whom were State Children between 13 and 17 years old. During 1967-68 111 girls were accommodated at Palmerston House. Palmerston House moved…