The Princes Bridge Industrial School came into being in 1864, following the passage of the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act. An announcement in the Government Gazette of 12 August 1864 stated that the two sections of the Immigrants’ Home already housing children were established as industrial schools. (The Immigrants’ Aid Society had been accommodating hundreds…
The Melrose Training Farm for Boys was established by the Try Society in 1938 at Harkaway, near Berwick. Previously, the Try Society ran the Clifden Farm and Try Boys’ Home at St Andrew’s North, but decided to move the institution to the new site where there were “better facilities for teaching agriculture and better housing…
The Melbourne City Mission Maternity Home opened in Brunswick in 1900. It housed pregnant mothers, babies and arranged some adoptions. From 1947 a Toddlers’ Home called Hartnett House operated on the same site. In 1955, the Maternity Home and Toddlers’ Home were amalgamated into one unit. It was renamed Hartnett House in 1958. The Melbourne…
Harelands was a hostel in Willsmere Road, Kew, established by Melbourne Legacy in around 1952. It was first a hostel for young people in employment, but later housed boys and girls aged 6 to 14, including the children of ex-servicemen and some state wards. In 1977, Harelands was renamed Blamey House. In May 1952, the…
The Elizabeth Fry Retreat, South Yarra, was established by Quakers in 1884 as a home for female ex-prisoners. In 1943, Melbourne City Mission took over the Retreat, who offered a home for ‘friendless and wayward women and girls’. In 1957 the Retreat was renamed Swinborn Lodge. The Elizabeth Fry Retreat in South Yarra was a…
The Church of England Boys’ Society Training Farm was established in 1937 in Lysterfield. It was first managed by The Rev. R.G. Nichols, and in 1942 was taken over by the Church of England Boys’ Society (Cebs). In 1945, the Farm moved to Yering. At this time, the institution was known as St Hubert’s. In…
The Burwood Boys’ Home was established in 1895 by Robert Campbell Edwards and run by non-denominational Committee of Management. The Home first housed boys aged between 9 and 15. Girls were accepted to the Home from the early 1970s, when the name changed to the Burwood Children’s Home. The Burwood Boys’ Home, at 155 Warrigal…
Sutton Grange in Mornington was established by the Victorian Government in 1957. The Home accommodated wards of the state in sibling groups. By 1962 it accommodated 30 children: girls from 4 to 17 and boys from 4 to 8 years of age. The children attended local schools. Sutton Grange was closed in September 1977. The…
The Lutheran Children’s Home (also known as the Lutheran Peace Memorial Home) was established in 1950 by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Australia. The Home, located in Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills, housed the children of widowed post-war immigrants, to enable the women to work. In 1955, the Home relocated to a larger property in Sackville…
Holmbush was the first residential accommodation operated by Melbourne Legacy, and was established in 1942. It accommodated boys aged between 9 and 19, usually attending secondary school. In 1956, Holmbush became known as Blamey House. Holmbush was for children aged 9 to 19. It was located not far from another Legacy home, Stanhope (1245 Burke…