Pallarenda Family Group Home, in Townsville, was operated by the Presbyterian Church. It opened 17 December 1979 and closed in 1994. As of 2019 we have been unable to find further information about this home. Please contact Find & Connect if you know more about this home.
Peim Metta Family Group Home, in Whiterock (Cairns) was operated by the Boopa Werem Kindergarten Association. It opened late 1982. In 2001 it was no longer a licensed residential facility. As of 2019 we have been unable to find further information about this home. Please contact Find & Connect if you know more about this…
OPAL Joyce Wilding Home was operated by the One People of Australia League (OPAL). In 1970, OPAL purchased the home (on the Pacific Highway in Upper Mount Gravatt, later known as Eight Mile Plains) with funding from Commonwealth and Queensland governments in 1970, and the Home was licensed on 7 August 1970. Its licence was…
Nazareth House, Wynnum North, was operated by the Congregation of the Sisters of Nazareth. It accommodated the aged, orphans and children from various backgrounds. Nazareth House opened in 1926 and ceased taking children in 1982 . Nazareth House, situated at 272 Wynnum North Road, Wynnum North, was operated by the Congregation of the Sisters of…
Mi Gunyah Youth Hostel, in Toowoomba, was established in early 1991 by the Toowoomba Aboriginal Corporation for Cultural and Recreational Activities (TACCRA). Funding was approved for the Hostel in April 1991. In 1997, TACCRA was re-incorporated as South East Qld Aboriginal Community Care Agency Aboriginal Corporation (SEQACCA). According to the publication Missing Pieces , Mi…
Mt Maria Re-Education Centre, in Mitchelton, was run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Previously known as the Good Shepherd Home for Girls, it was established in 1966. In 1973 the home was renamed Mt Maria Youth Centre. Previously known as the Industrial School for Girls, Mitchelton, the home was initially set up in…
Morris House, in Taringa, was operated by the Anglican Society of St Francis and the Anglican Church Men’s Society. It was licensed 11 March 1975 and closed 30 November 1983. According to a publication from 2003, Morris House, a Home in Taringa for young men aged over 15, was “operated by the Anglican Society of…
Marsden Home for Boys, in Kallangur, was operated by the Marsden Home for Boys Committee of the Queensland Congregational Union from 1929. In June 1977, operations transferred to the newly-created Uniting Church. The Home closed 27 November 1992. During World War II the Queensland Congregational Union considered caring for children evacuated from England until foster…
Moore Cottage Family Group Home, in Toombul, was operated by the Methodist and Uniting Churches. It was officially opened 13 October 1962. It was licensed under the State Children Act 1911 and under the Children’s Services Act 1965 on 4 August 1966. Management was transferred from the Methodist Church in 1977 to the newly-created Uniting…
Marsden Family Group Home, in Brassall, opened and was licensed in February 1974. It was operated by the Queensland Congregational Union until 1977, when management was transferred to the Uniting Church. The Home closed temporarily in July 1984, and re-opened 28 October 1984. In 2001, it was no longer a licensed residential facility.