
St Christopher’s Lodge

St Christopher’s Lodge, situated at Brookfield, was operated by the Church of England, under the management of the Reverend Robert Bates and a ladies’ committee. It opened in 1934 and accommodated boys only. The Home closed in the late 1950s and later became known as the Anglican Franciscan Friary. The rector of All Saints, Wickham…

Catholic Daughters Holiday Home

The Catholic Daughters Holiday Home, in Sandgate, was run by the Catholic Daughters of Australia. It began operating in 1930 to provide a seaside holiday for disadvantaged children. The Catholic Daughters rented homes each Christmas holiday period for this purpose, resulting in the Home moving each year. Plans to build their own holiday home in…

Sandeman Nursery

The Sandeman Nursery at Wynnum operated in conjunction with St Mary’s Home. It opened in 1897 and was run by the Anglican Society of the Sacred Advent. It accommodated babies born to women at St Mary’s, who were awaiting adoption or transfer to the Good Shepherd Home at Nundah. Sandeman Nursery closed in 1898 and…

Jessie Street Family Group Home

Jessie Street Family Group Home, in Rockhampton, was operated by the the Sisters of Mercy. It was purchased in January 1978. Children from St Joseph’s Home, Neerkol, were transferred to the home. It was unoccupied from June 1984 and the approved bed numbers were reduced to nil in January 1985.

Ward Street Family Group Home

Ward Street Family Group Home, in Rockhampton, was operated by the Sisters of Mercy. It was purchased in June 1977 and opened 12 October 1977. Children from St Joseph’s Home, Neerkol, were transferred to the home. It closed early 1979.

Reformatory School for Boys, Lytton

The Reformatory School for Boys, Lytton was run by the State Government of Queensland. Boys under the age of 18 years were sentenced to a term of confinement at the reformatory by Children’s Courts. It opened 1881 when inmates from the hulk Proserpine were transferred to the new land-based reformatory. It closed 1899 when the…

Cootharinga Home for Crippled Children

The Cootharinga Home for Crippled Children, in North Ward, Townsville was opened on 22 June 1957. The Home was run by the North Queensland Society for Crippled Children and provided care, treatment and accommodation for children suffering the effects of polio. The Home closed in 1994.

Aboriginal Girls Home

The Aboriginal Girls Home was situated in a house at West End called Cranbrook, in the vicinity of Victoria and Kurilpa streets. It acted as a receiving depot for Aboriginal domestic servants from all over Queensland. Any single girl or woman travelling through Brisbane, visiting for medical attention or between domestic service stints was forced…

Montrose Home for Crippled Children

The Montrose Home for Crippled Children, run by the Queensland Society for Crippled Children, opened in 1933. Businessman and philanthropist, Mr George Marchant, donated his own home at Taringa to the Society. Mr Marchant later gifted the site at Consort Street, Corinda to the Society in 1937. The Montrose Home provided accommodation for 90 children,…

Corinda Infants’ Home

The Corinda Infants’ Home, at Corinda was run by a private management committee known as the Queensland Association for the Saving of Infant Life. The Corinda Infant’s Home was established in the home of Mrs W. Duncan who handed over her home, rent free, for four years. In 1919, the premises were handed back to…