The Health and Aboriginals Branch took over administrative responsibility for these areas from the Northern Territory Aboriginals Department and the Department of Public Health. The Chief Protector of Aboriginals at this time, Cecil Cook, also held the position of Chief Medical Officer.
The State Children’s Council for the Northern Territory was established in 1930 under the provisions of the South Australian State Children Act 1895. The Council was responsible for the welfare of children placed under its care and control. During the Second World War, when the Northern Territory Administration was evacuated from the Territory, the Council…
The Native Affairs Branch took over responsibility for Aboriginal people from the Medical Service, Health and Aboriginals Branch in 1939. The Native Affairs Branch worked under the direction of the Director of Native Affairs, a position which replaced the role of the Chief Protector Aborigines after that role had been abolished by the Aboriginals Ordinance…
The Northern Territory Aboriginals Department was established under the provisions of the Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910. This South Australian Act was passed just before the Northern Territory came under Commonwealth control. The Aboriginals Department was responsible for the control and welfare of Aboriginal people. The Department was established under the Chief Protector, the legal…
The Chief Protector of Aborigines, an office first created under South Australian legislation in 1910, continued under the Commonwealth Aboriginals Ordinance 1911 and successive Commonwealth legislation. The Chief Protector was made the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child under the provisions of this Ordinance.The Chief Protector was replaced by the Director of Native Affairs as…
The Chief Protector of Aborigines was made the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child under the provisions of the Northern Territory Aboriginals Act 1910 (SA). This position continued under Commonwealth legislation after the Northern Territory came under Commonwealth control in 1911.
The Protector of Aborigines was the government officer responsible for overseeing contact and relationships with Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. While the Northern Territory was under South Australian control, Protectors reported to the responsible minister of the South Australian Government through the Government Resident of the Northern Territory. At times the Medical Officer for…
The Office of the Minister of Education and of the Northern Territory was the South Australian Minister’s office responsible for the administration of the Northern Territory from 1889 to 1892. This office was formed by the new Premier JA Cockburn after his election June 1889. The Government Resident continued to provide on the ground administration…
The Northern Territory Archives Service [NTAS] was established in 1983 by the Northern Territory Government as the Government archival authority. The Archives holds government records related to the history of the Northern Territory including records related to child welfare and Aboriginal welfare. It also holds the records of non-government organisations including mission records, and personal…
The Department of Health, Commonwealth Government was created in 1921. It took over responsibility for some matters of health in the Northern Territory from the Northern Territory Administration. In 1977 the Northern Territory Government took over some of the functions of the Commonwealth branch and in 1987 the Department of health was abolished and replaced…