
Community Services Division, Australian Capital Territory

The Community Services Division was one of six divisions of the Department of Territories and Local Government from 1983. The Community Services Division had three branches, including the Welfare Branch, which dealt with the care of families in crisis, adoption and children in out-of-home care. By 1987 the Community Services Division, including the Welfare Branch,…

Welfare Branch, Australian Capital Territory

The Welfare Branch of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) was previously known as the Welfare Section. By 1983 the Welfare Branch was one of three branches of the Community Services Division. The Welfare Branch dealt with the care of families in crisis, adoption and children in out-of-home care. By 1987 the Community Services Division, including…

Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services, Australian Capital Territory

The Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services was replaced by the Community Services Directorate on 1 July 2011.

Community Services Directorate

The Community Services Directorate is one of ten directorates in the Australian Capital Territory Government. The Community Services Directorate was established in 2011. The Directorate’s responsibilities include youth and family support services, child and family centres and community housing services. It was previously the Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services.

Department of Communities, State Government of Western Australia

The Department of Communities was established on 1 June 2017. It performs the functions of several former government agencies, including the Department for Child Protection, Department of Housing, Disbability Services Commission, and the Department of Local Government and Communities. It includes the Child Protection and Family Support agency, through which it runs out-of-home care facilities…

Department of Justice, State of Western Australia

The Department of Justice was created out of the merger of the Department of Corrective Services and the Attorney-General’s Department. It assumed responsibilities for the functions previously undertaken by the Department of Corrective Services, including youth justice.

Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs, State Government of Queensland

The Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs was established in November 2020 following machinery of government changes. The Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs is responsible for youth justice and child and family services including adoption, foster and kindship care. It is also the Queensland agency responsible for leading the response…

Department of Communities and Justice, State Government of New South Wales

The Department of Communities and Justice, New South Wales, was created on 1 July 2019. It brings together the former Departments of Family and Community Services (FACS), and Justice.

Public Health Department, State Government of Western Australia

The Public Health Department of Western Australia was formed in 1911 following the passing of the Public Health Act of 1911. The Department of Public Health was responsible for the administration and provision of public health and medical services in Western Australia. In 1984 the Public Health Department was merged with the Department of Hospital…

Education Department, State Government of Victoria

The Education Department was established in 1873, following the passing of the Education Act 1872, which introduced free, compulsory, secular education to Victoria for children aged six to 15 years old. The department was responsible for the provision and administration of education in Victoria. In its early years it was also known as the Department…