
Hospitals Commission of New South Wales

The Hospitals Commission of New South Wales was a board appointed by the New South Wales Government in 1929 to provide a complete hospital system. It did not run hospitals, as hospitals had their own boards and management. The duties of the Commission were to inspect hospitals, inquire into standards and hospital administration, determine which…

Department of Public Health, State Government of New South Wales

The New South Wales Department of Public Health was established as a separate ministerial department by the New South Wales Government in 1938. It held responsibility for general hospitals (previously under the Colonial Secretary’s Department), mental hospitals (previously under the Master of Lunacy), and the Office of Public Health. From 1965 this Department contained a…

Northern Sydney Local Health Network Medical Records

As at May, 2013, Northern Sydney Local Health Network Medical Records managed the records of Dalwood Children’s Home. People seeking access to records will need to provide a photocopy of identification, such as a drivers’ licence, and a letter stating the years they were in the Home, including a contact number.

Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care, State Government of New South Wales

The Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care (DADHC) was a New South Wales Government department that supported the aged, people with disabilities and their carers. It was created in 2001. DADHC controlled the records of a number of New South Wales disability institutions and facilities, including Stockton Hospital and Peat and Milson Islands Hospital….

Health Commission, State Government of New South Wales

The New South Wales Health Commission was a government department that was responsible for running hospitals and mental health institutions from 1973 until 1982. It replaced the Department of Public Health and was abolished when the Department of Health was created. In 2013, Health Commission records are controlled by the Department of Health.

Health Department, State Government of New South Wales

The Health Department is the New South Wales Government department that is responsible for hospitals, community health and a range of health-related institutions, including mental health. It was created in 1982 as the Department of Health and since 2009 has been known as the Health Department. The Health Department controls some records relating to children…

Director of State Psychiatric Services

The office of the Director of State Psychiatric Services was the New South Wales government agency that supervised psychiatric institutions from 1958 until 1973. Its powers were transferred to the Health Commission in 1972 (later the Health Department).

Inspector General of the Insane

The Inspector General of the Insane was an agency of the New South Wales Government that was created in 1876. The office was renamed Inspector General of Mental Hospitals in 1917. The first inspector, F Norton Manning, was appointed to supervise the Asylum for Imbeciles and Institutions for Idiots at Newcastle, the Lunatic Reception House…

Inspector General of Mental Hospitals

The office of the Inspector General of Mental Hospitals was the New South Wales government agency that supervised psychiatric institutions from 1917 to 1958.

State Library of New South Wales

The State Library of New South Wales is the most important collecting institution in New South Wales. It is a deposit library, meaning copies of works published in New South Wales, including government publications, must be lodged with it. It holds a huge collection of manuscript items, journals, photographs and printed materials. A number of…