
Aboriginal and Islanders Advancement Department, State Government of Queensland

The Aboriginal and Islanders Advancement Department was created on 16 January 1975. Previously known as the Aboriginal and Island Affairs Department the main difference was that people now had to apply for a ‘Certificate of Entitlement’ in order to come under the Act. The Department ran the Kowanyama Mission from 1975 to 1984. In 1984,…

Community Services Department, State Government of Queensland

The Community Services Department was established on 31 May 1984, when the Community Services (Aborigines) Act 1984 and the Community Services (Torres Strait) Act 1984 were passed. It was previously known as the Aboriginal and Islanders Advancement Department, with the new department the policy was changed to promote equal opportunity in the Queensland Community for…

Director Of Native Affairs Office, State Government of Queensland

The Director Of Native Affairs Office was responsible for the welfare of Queensland’s Aboriginal population who were deemed to be State Wards. Replacing the Chief Protector of Aboriginals Office, it was established in 1939 under the Aboriginals Preservation and Protection Act 1939. This Act represented a change in government policy from one of ‘protection and…

Chief Protector of Aboriginals Office, State Government of Queensland

The Chief Protector of Aboriginals Office, established in 1904, was responsible for the welfare of Queensland’s Aboriginal population who were deemed to be State Wards. The Chief Protector operated according to a policy of separation and segregation in relation to Aborigines placed under State control. From 1898 to 1904, the protection system in Queensland had…

Aboriginal and Island Affairs Department, State Government of Queensland

The Aboriginal and Island Affairs Department, which was previously called the Office of the Director of Native Affairs, was established in 1966. The Department managed the affairs of Queensland’s Aborigines who were deemed to be ‘assisted’ Aborigines or State Wards. Government policy at this time was stated as one of ‘complete equality’. The term ‘assisted’…

Queensland Corrective Services Commission

The Queensland Corrective Services Commission, established in 1988, was responsible for determining policy in relation to the administration, management and control of corrective services. The Commission also had responsibility for all adult corrections functions, including supervision of offenders sentenced to community supervision orders, containing offenders, and ensuring rehabilitation of offenders. In 1999 the Commission was…

Corrective Services Department

The Corrective Services Department replaced the Queensland Corrective Services Commission in 1999. The Corrective Services Department was responsible for the operation of custodial correctional centres which included supervision of offenders, their rehabilitation along with probation and parole services. In 2009 the Corrective Services Department was abolished and its functions transferred to the Community Safety Department.

Community Safety Department

In 2009 the Community Safety Department was established. It replaced the Corrective Services Department and the Emergency Services Department. The Community Safety Department was responsible for the administration of corrective and emergency services. In 2013 the Department of Community Safety was renamed the Public Safety Business Agency.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Department, State Government of Queensland

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Department administered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, rights and culture, and multicultural affairs. Until 2012, it was part of the Communities Department. Within the Department, the Community and Personal Histories team helped people to trace their personal and family history, and could help people to…

Education Department, State Government of Queensland

The Education Department was responsible for administration of preschool to secondary school education. It was established in 1957 and abolished in 2004. The Department ran the Queensland School for the Deaf from 1957-1988. The Department was replaced by the Education and the Arts Department. With the change of name of the Secretary of Public Instruction…