The Education Department was created in 1893 and a Minister of Education was appointed. The education of children in schools that received government grants had previously been the responsibility of the General Board of Education (1847-1871) and then the Central Board of Education (1871-1893). In 1899 the Public Education Act made it compulsory for all…
The State Library of Western Australia is the State’s main reference library. It has resources dedicated to the history of Western Australia and the people of the State.
Adoption Services is a section of Child Protection and Family Support within the Department of Communities. Its purpose is to ensure that people who are legally able to do so can gain access to adoption records. The publication ROADS – An index of locations and access to adoption records shows that the following types of…
The Superintendent of Poor Relief and Inspector of Charitable Institutions was a position within the Colonial Secretary’s office. The Colonial Secretary’s office was responsible for a wide range of affairs in Western Australia, administered by a number of ‘sub-departments’ such as that of the Superintendent. In 1907, after the State Children Act was proclaimed, responsibility…
The Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Colony of Western Australia continued the role of the Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Crown Colony of Western Australia from 1890. The Office was responsible for the welfare of children in Western Australia: the Superintendent of Poor Relief and Charitable Institutions was responsible for orphanages and industrial schools; the…
The Colonial Secretary’s Office in the Crown Colony of Western Australia was established in 1828. It was responsible for the welfare of children in Western Australia, through the position of the Superintendent of Relief and Inspector of Charitable Institutions. It was also responsible for healthcare in Western Australia, including that of children and young people…
The Aborigines Protection Board in the Colony of Western Australia continued the role of the Aboriginal Protection Board in the Crown Colony of Western Australia from 1890. The Board was responsible for the welfare of all Aboriginal people in Western Australia. This included the care, custody and education of all Aboriginal children, and the power…
The Office of the Public Advocate in Western Australia (OPA) ‘works to promote and protect the human rights of more than 65,000 Western Australian adults with decision-making disabilities.’ As well as describing what they do, the OPA’s website ‘provides information to help families, friends, carers, health professionals, legal practitioners, primary care givers and accommodation service…
The Country High School Hostels Authority governed the operations of education hostels throughout regional Western Australia. These were hostels set up for children in rural and regional areas, who boarded at the hostel to attend school. It was not uncommon for children who were state wards to be boarded in one of the Authority’s hostels….
The State Records Office of Western Australia was established in 2001, following the passing of the State Records Act 2000. It is the key repository for government documents in Western Australia. The state archives collection includes records that might be of interest to people who were in out of home care as children. These records…