
Case Review Panel

The Case Review Panel was established on 1 March 2006 under the Children and Community Services Act 2004 to independently review departmental decisions about children in the care of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the department responsible for child protection in Western Australia. It replaced the Case Review Board. Parents and relevant others can…

National Archives of Australia – Perth Office

The National Archives of Australia – Perth Office is located in East Victoria Park. It holds a collection of records including items on Commonwealth government activities such as migration and Aboriginal affairs. The majority of records are from after 1901 but there are some records from before that date. The collection includes records related to…

Department of Education and Training, State of Western Australia

The Department of Education and Training (DET) was created in 2003 by merging the Department of Education and the Department of Training. Through the schools that it runs, the DET has an influence on, and creates records relevant to, children in out of home care in Western Australia.

Department of Aboriginal Affairs, State of Western Australia

The Department of Aboriginal Affairs (DAA) was formed on 17 May 2013, as a new name for the Department of Indigenous Affairs. The DAA has an information service and other resources for Aboriginal family history in Western Australia. On 30 June 2017, the Department of Aboriginal Affairs’ functions were divided between four government departments, with…

Department for Child Protection and Family Support, State of Western Australia

The Department for Child Protection and Family Support (DCPFS) was created on 17 May 2013 as a new name for the Department for Child Protection. It is the lead agency responsible for the care and protection of children in Western Australia. On 1 July 2017, the Department for Child Protection and Family Support became part…

The Grove Library

The Grove Library is a key repository for photographs and historical information about Children’s Homes and other institutions that were located in the Perth suburbs of Cottesloe, Mosman Park, Peppermint Grove and Buckland Hill. ‘The Grove’ also has a growing online image collection and a community history section. The Grove’s Community History Library welcomes donations…

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office was established in 2010 under the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 to provide an ‘accessible and impartial service’ for complaint resolution in health and disability services; to investigate complaints; and to undertake education and training in the ‘prevention and resolution of complaints’.

Office of Health Review

The Office of Health Review was established under the Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 to provide an independent authority to receive and investigate consumer complaints, including complaints about hospitals, disability accommodation services and prison health care. The Office of Health Review was replaced by the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office in 2010.

Ombudsman Western Australia

The Ombudsman Western Australia is responsible for reviewing ‘investigable’ child deaths and recommending actions to prevent future deaths. A child death is investigable if it is within two years of the wellbeing of the child (or a child relative of the child) coming to the attention of child welfare authorities, or if the child is…

Department of Corrective Services, State of Western Australia

The Department of Corrective Services was established in 2006. It took over the youth justice functions from the Department of Justice, which was abolished. From April 2014 the Youth Justice Board was created to oversee the work of the youth justice division of the Department for Corrective Services. The Youth Justice Board was established on…