The State Children’s Relief Board was a government agency established by the State Children’s Relief Act 1881 to introduce the boarding out system. By 1915, more than 24,000 children had been boarded out in New South Wales. Please note that the titles ‘State Children’s Relief Board’ and ‘State Children’s Relief Department’ are used in various…
The Department of Youth and Community Services is one of the names the Department of Community Services has been known by. The Department of Youth and Community Services replaced the Department of Child Welfare and Social Welfare in 1973. It was replaced by the Department of Youth, Ethnic and Community Affairs in 1975.
The Department of Child Welfare and Social Welfare is one of the names given to the child welfare department in the 1970s.
Foster Care Westernport was established in 1979. As well as providing foster care, it provided respite care for children with disabilities through the Westernport Interchange program. The agency had a separate foster care program for adolescents. In 1991, Foster Care Westernport merged with the Victorian Children’s Aid Society to form the new organisation, Family Focus….
The Citizens Welfare Service of Victoria came into being in 1947. Previously it was known as the Charity Organisation Society of Melbourne. The name change coincided with a change in focus towards casework and counselling, employing only professionally trained social workers and expanding its ‘client group’ into Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs. The CWS ran…
UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing is an advocacy, housing and support service. It began as Werribee Youth Housing in 1985, later becoming Werribee Support and Housing Inc. and in 2002, it became part of UnitingCare Victoria & Tasmania. UnitingCare Werribee Support and Housing provides foster care through the Bridges program. In 2017, it became Uniting…
Barwon Youth was established in 2006, it was previously known as the Barwon Association for Youth Support & Accommodation. Barwon Youth continued to provide community service programs catered to adolescents. It became known as Barwon Child, Youth & Family in 2015 when it merged with Glastonbury Community Services and Time for Youth.
The Barwon Association for Youth Support and Accommodation (BAYSA) was established in June 1981 to establish and run a regional youth hostel in the Barwon area. BAYSA ran Lismore House and later Wahroonga Hostel. They also operated lead-tenant properties, adolescent foster care programs, programs to assist adolescents who were homeless and other youth service programs….
Barwon Child, Youth & Family (BCYF) was established on 1 July 2015 as a merger between Glastonbury Community Services, Barwon Youth and Time for Youth. BCYF provided out-of-Home care, placement prevention services, early years; family & community services; youth services and specialist intervention services. On 1 April 2023, BCYF merged with Bethany to form a…
Glastonbury Community Services was established in 2011. Previously, the organisation was called Glastonbury Child and Family Services. Based in Geelong, Glastonbury is a provider of out-of-home care, family and community services in regional Victoria. Glastonbury Community Services merged in 2015 with Time for Youth and Barwon Youth to become Barwon, Child Youth & Family.