
Anglicare Teenshare

Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement program run by Anglicare for young people needing emergency, short-term and longer-term fostercare. It continued the Anglicare Emergency Foster Care Scheme and Anglicare Homesharers programs. In 2010, Anglicare Teenshare was replaced by the Anglicare Fostering Futures program. Anglicare Teenshare was a fostercare placement service for children and young people…

Children’s Protection Society

The Children’s Protection Society (the Society) was established in Perth in 1906 as the extent of ‘child cruelty and neglect’ became more visible to the public. At a time when neglected children were seen as criminals, the Society showed that children were victims. It was a volunteer service aimed mainly at ensuring that illegitimate children…

Mercy Community Services (Inc)

Mercy Community Services (Inc) was established by the Sisters of Mercy (Perth) in 1997 to carry on the services of the Catherine McAuley Family Centre. In 2002, the ownership of Mercy Community Services Inc was transferred to MercyCare Ltd which is legally and operationally separate from the Sisters of Mercy.

Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services

Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services took over the role of the former Uniting Church Child and Family Services in 1984. It was commonly known as ‘Mofflyn’ and was the principle residential child welfare agency of the Uniting Church in Western Australia. Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services was part of the merger of Uniting…

Uniting WA

UnitingCare West began on 1 July 2006 as an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia (Synod of Western Australia). It was formed from the merger of a number of Uniting Church agencies, including Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services. UnitingCare West inherited the history and records of many of the Uniting Church, Methodist and…

Catherine McAuley Centre

The Catherine McAuley Centre was run by the Sisters of Mercy from 1971 on the site of the former St Joseph’s Girls’ Orphanage and St Vincent’s Foundling Home in Subiaco. It was named after the founder of the Sisters of Mercy. Children who were wards and also those who were ‘privately placed’ lived there, or…

Yorganop Association Incorporated

Yorganop Association Incorporated has provided out of home care placements for Aboriginal children in Western Australia since 1986. Originally known as the Aboriginal Child Care Agency, Yorganop was established to provide placement services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the Perth metropolitan area, and also had responsibility for family tracing and youth work….

Methodist Homes for Children

The Methodist Homes for Children was the name given to the Methodist Church agency that ran two Homes in Western Australia: the Methodist Children’s Home at Victoria Park (from 1922), and the Methodist Boys’ Home in the hills east of Perth at Werribee (from 1929). Over time, a number of cottages were opened on the…


Westview was the new name given to the Geraldton Group Home in 1981 when it moved to new premises. It was a government-run facility providing accommodation for children aged 0-17 years, including Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children who were wards of the State and those who were not wards. Over the years, Westview has been involved…


Communicare was established in 1977 to provide services to families in the south eastern corridor of Perth. In 1988 to 1991, Communicare placed children in home-based emergency foster care for up to 28 days for children from birth to 16 years. Since 1991, Communicare has not been involved in residential accommodation for children.