
Haldon Family Group Home

Haldon Family Group Home, run by the government, opened in about 1987. It was in northern Tasmania. The Home provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Department of Community Welfare and its successors. Haldon closed around 2000. A married woman managed Haldon Family Group Home…

Woodlands Family Group Home

Woodlands Family Group Home, run by the government, opened in about 1985. It was located on Hearps Road, Ulverstone. Woodlands provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Department of Community Welfare and its successors. Woodlands closed around 2000. A married woman managed Woodlands Family Group…

Abermere Family Group Home

Abermere Family Group Home, run by the government, replaced Abermere Receiving Home in about 1981. It was in Mount Stuart. The Home provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Social Welfare Department and its successors. Abermere closed around 2000. The Home provided accommodation for new…

Willowbend Family Group Home

Willowbend Family Group Home, run by the government, opened in about 1990. It was in Kingston. The Home closed around 2005.

Bimbadeen Family Group Home

Bimbadeen Family Group Home was opened by the Sisters of Charity in 1976 in a suburban home in Blackman’s Bay. It provided cottage accommodation to children who had been placed there by their parents or who were wards of the state. Bimbadeen was run by a married couple who were the house parents to six…

Villa Maria Family Group Home

Villa Maria Family Group Home was opened in 1964 by the Sisters of Charity. It provided cottage accommodation to seven or eight children who had been placed there by their parents or who were wards of the state. Initially the home was in New Town, before moving to Howrah in 1968. Villa Maria was established…

Loreto Family Group Home

Loreto Family Group Home was opened in Taroona in 1966 by the Sisters of Charity. It provided cottage accommodation to seven children who had been placed there by their parents or who were wards of the state. It was run day-to-day by two ‘house mothers’. It was a single storey 10 roomed brick house with…

Aboriginal Family Group Home

The Aboriginal Family Group Home opened in the Glebe, a suburb of Hobart. Plants to adapt the building in 1975 suggest that it may have opened about that time. It would seem to have been run by an organisation called Aboriginal Hostels Ltd, according to a Hobart City Council file about a building application. The…

Rochebank Family Group Home

Rochebank Family Group Home, run by the government, replaced Rochebank Hostel in about 1981. It was in the Glebe. Rochebank provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Social Welfare Department and its successors. Rochebank closed in 2009. A married woman managed Rochebank Family Group Home…

Kiah Family Group Home

Kiah Family Group Home, run by the government, opened in 1985. It was in Glenorchy. The Home provided temporary accommodation to children who were wards of state or supervised in other ways by the Department of Community Services and its successors. Kiah closed around 2000. A married woman managed Kiah Family Group Home with the…