Redhill was established by the Anglican Church (Perth Diocese) in 1903 as a ‘senior reformatory school’ and ‘home for neglected boys’, beginning with six boys sent by a magistrate. In 1921 Redhill became a home for boys and youth up to 18 years with intellectual development disorders (described at the time as ‘mentally defective’). Redhill…
The Ngal-a Mothercraft Home and Training Centre Inc (Ngala) was the new name given in 1956 to The Alexandra Home for Mothers and Babies (Inc) and Mothercraft Training School, in Highgate. In 1959 Ngala moved to Kensington. Ngala had three functions: a maternity home for mothers and babies; from 1959, the ‘reception centre’ for all…
The McCall Centre began in West Perth in 1971 as a government-run Home intended for the long-term accommodation of up to 20 children aged from four years old, whom child welfare authorities diagnosed with significant emotional or behavioural issues. The Centre moved to Highgate in 1972, to Mosman Park in 1973, and by 1974 admitted…
Lady Lawley Cottage by the Sea was established in Cottesloe in 1903. It has provided respite and convalescent care for sick and recovering children, and care for children with disabilities. These children were placed in the Cottage by both their families and by welfare authorities. The Cottage was run by an independent management committee until…
Collins House was a community-based specialist treatment facility developed by the Presbyterian Church in 1975, according to administration files from the Department. It was located in Mount Lawley.
The Mental Diseases Hospital, New Norfolk replaced the Hospital for the Insane in 1915. It remained on the same grounds. The Mental Diseases Hospital housed children. In 1937, it became Lachlan Park Hospital. Between 1915 and 1920, the Mental Diseases Hospital Department ran the Mental Diseases Hospital. In 1920, the Public Health Department took it…
Aspect House, run by Colony 47, opened in New Town in January 1981. It provided respite accommodation for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. Aspect House closed in November 1981. A group of parents of children with disabilities and their supporters established Aspect House. It opened on 14 January 1981 in Warragul Avenue, New Town….
The After Care School, held in St John’s Home for the Aged at St John’s Park, New Town, opened in the 1940s. It provided schooling for children with disabilities. The School appears to have closed in 1957. The After Care School provided schooling for children receiving outpatient care at Wingfield House or living in the…
Wyadra Hostel, run by the Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution, opened in New Town in 1952. It was initially for children with partial hearing and later for those with no hearing. The Hostel closed in 1957. Wyadra Hostel opened officially on 21 April 1952 in Clare Street, New Town. The Institute for the Blind and…
The Girls’ Welfare School, the Education Department’s first special school, opened in 1924. A few girls from the Industrial School for Girls – Hobart attended the Girls’ Welfare School. In 1954, it became the Dora Turner School. The first principal of the Girls’ Welfare School, Dora Turner, remained there for 27 years. She aimed to…