

Earlsferry was established as a Home for ten ‘mentally handicapped girls’ who were transferred from the Claremont Mental Hospital. Earlsferry, with Fairholme, made up the Nathaniel Harper Homes owned and run by the government of Western Australia. In 1988, ownership passed to the Authority for Intellectually Handicapped Persons. In April 1989, when Earlsferry was damaged…

Royal West Australian Institute for the Blind

The Royal West Australian Institute for the Blind (RIB) was established in 1895 as the WA Industrial School for the Blind in Maylands. It was run by a private committee of ‘subscribers’ who supported the Institute financially. Children lived and went to school at the Institute and there was also a workshop and living quarters…


Greenplace was a government-run facility, established in Mosman Park in 1914 as an annexe of the Claremont Hospital for the Insane. It admitted female psychiatric patients, possibly including adolescents with intellectual disabilities. From 1946 until it closed in 1979, Greenplace was a hostel for female psychiatric patients. Greenplace was established in 1914 as an annexe…

Claremont Mental Hospital

Claremont Hospital for the Insane was established in 1903, becoming known as the Claremont Mental Hospital in 1933. It was a government-run facility that accommodated children and young people with intellectual and other disabilities until the hospital closed in 1972. Claremont Mental Hospital was Western Australia’s main mental health institution from 1903 to 1972. Children…

Whitby Falls Hospital

Whitby Falls Hospital was a government-run facility, established in 1897 at Jarrahdale, as an annexe of the Fremantle Asylum. Male psychiatric patients described as ‘quiet and chronic’ were sent there as well as adolescents with intellectual disabilities. In 1972 the hospital closed and a hostel was opened on the site. Whitby Falls Hospital was started…

Fremantle Asylum

Fremantle Asylum was a government-run facility, established in 1857 to house adults with mental illness. By the 1890s increasing numbers of children aged 9-15 years with intellectual and other disabilities were sent there. Fremantle Asylum closed in 1909. Fremantle Asylum was built and run by the colonial government from 1857. By the 1890s increasing numbers…

Chidley Educational Centre

The Chidley Educational Centre was established in 1976 by the Education Department of Western Australia in Mosman Park as a result of advocacy by the Isolated Country Parents’ Association. It was a short-term (six month) residential program for children from country areas who needed specialist learning support. In 1979, there were up to forty children…


Marangaroo was the new name given in 1997 to the former Carine House. It was a Home for young men with disabilities, run by Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services in the suburb of Marangaroo.

Carine House

Carine House was the new name given to Collins House in 1987. It was run by Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services, and provided community-based long or short term care in a cottage setting for boys and girls of any age with special needs. In 1997, Carine House moved to Marangaroo.

WA School for Deaf Children

The WA School for Deaf Children was established in East Perth in 1896 as the West Australian Deaf and Dumb Instution. It moved to Buckland Hill (Mosman Park) in 1900. This residential school admitted children of all ages, including those who were wards of the state and private boarders, until the residential section closed in…