The Benevolent Asylum, run by the Benevolent Society of New South Wales, was opened in 1821 by Governor Macquarie. It issued poor relief and took in the poor, destitute, disabled and aged but its main focus was pregnant women and children. The Benevolent Asylum closed in 1901 as the land was resumed by the government…
Westwood, at Bowral, was a residential education centre for girls over sixteen years old with mild intellectual disabilities that opened in 1965. It was run by the Methodist Department of Christian Citizenship, and commenced operation in April 1965 with an initial intake of nine girls. By 1968 Westwood held up to 90 girls and women….
Mater Dei School is located at Narellan, near Camden. It is a special school, with a residential programme, that was established by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan in 1957. It was previously the Mater Dei Orphanage. Records of children who have attended Mater Dei School since 1957 are held at the school. In 2011…
Kendall Grange, at The Bluff in Morisset Park in the Hunter Region, was established by the Brothers of St John of God in 1948 as a residential school for intellectually disabled boys. It began with 30 boys from Westmead Home, aged six to 16. In 1980 Kendall Grange changed to a residential school for boys…
Glendonald School for Deaf Children in Kew was run by the Victorian Department of Education. It provided education and some residential services for deaf children. The school was located in Marshall Avenue and the hostel was nearby in Belmont Avenue, Kew. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, ‘Deaf children whose families lived…
Dame Mary Herring Spastic Children’s Hostel in Armadale was a centre that provided residential care to children with cerebral palsy. Run by the Spastic Children’s Society of Victoria, it opened in 1956 and was approved as a children’s home in 1964. Residential accommodation was provided in congregate care form at the Hostel itself, as well…
The Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution was established in 1860. It moved several times before relocating in 1866 to a specially-designed building on the corner of St Kilda Road and High Street, Prahran. In 1949 it became the Victorian School for Deaf Children. The Victorian Deaf and Dumb Institution was established in 1860 by F….
Victorian College for the Deaf was the new name given in 1995 to the Victorian School for Deaf Children. The college is located on the corner of High St and St Kilda Rd, Prahran. Some students reside during the week at a family group home in the south-eastern suburbs.
Marian Lodge Training Centre was established by the St John of God Brothers. It was adjacent to St John Of God Training Centre in Cheltenham. Marian Lodge catered for boys described as having moderate intellectual disabilities and being unable to follow a special schooling program, but able to benefit from other training.
The Yarra View Training Farm, located in Lilydale, was established by the St John of God Brothers in 1957. It was usually staffed by about seven Brothers and accommodated up to 90 youths, aged over 16. The institutions for children run by the St John of God Brothers in Victoria were all described as being…