
Wesley Central Parish Mission

Wesley Central Parish Mission came into being in 1977. It was formerly known as Wesley Central Mission. In 2001, it was renamed Wesley Mission Melbourne.

Central Dorcas Society

The Central Dorcas Society was a Wesleyan organisation established at a meeting of over 100 women in 1888. The aims of the Society were ‘to help the poor and look after waifs’. After a name change to the Central Dorcas Association Help and Rescue Society, in 1891 the Society became known as the Wesleyan Church…

Home Mission Society of Victoria

The Home Mission Society of Victoria was established in circa 1871 by the Conference of the Wesleyan Methodist Church to undertake mission work in city and country. Under the auspices of the Home Mission Society, the Central Dorcas Society, later called the Wesleyan Church Neglected Children’s Aid Society, ran Livingstone House in Carlton. In 1884,…

Mission to the Streets and Lanes

The Mission to the Streets and Lanes commenced in 1886 providing food, shelter and pastoral care to women and children in inner-city Melbourne. Its deaconesses were to ‘visit in the lanes and courts and bring the message of the Gospel to the poor and fallen and by the force of their sisterly sympathy, compel the…

Mission of St James and St John

The Mission of St James and St John was established in 1919. It began as a broad-based city mission, but within a few years the Mission began focusing on the needs of homeless children, lone mothers and families in need. In 1997 the Mission of St James and St John merged with St John’s Home…