
Wesley Central Mission

Wesley Central Mission came into being in 1893, as the response of Wesleyan Methodists in Victoria to the severe economic depression and associated inner-city poverty of the early 1890s. In 1977, with the creation of the Uniting Church in Australia, its name changed to Wesley Central Parish Mission. Wesley Central Mission came into being in…

Melbourne City Mission

The Melbourne City Mission was formed in the mid-1850s, as a result of the efforts of Hester Hornbrook, a philanthropist, and John Singleton, a medical doctor. Hornbrook and Singleton’s vision was for ‘a mission embracing all denominations and unsectarian in its character’ to address the hardship and suffering caused by the social upheaval of the…

Ballarat Town and City Mission

The Ballarat Town and City Mission was founded in 1867. The Ballarat Town and City Mission ran a number of Homes for children and babies, including, from around 1921 until 1974, the Alexandra Babies’ Home. In 1921, the Ballarat Town and City Mission took over the management of the newly amalgamated Ballarat Female Refuge and…

Scots’ Church Neglected Children’s Aid Society

The Scots’ Church Neglected Children’s Aid Society began its work with Melbourne’s ‘waifs and strays’ on 10 July 1881. In 1895, the Society merged with the Presbyterian Society for Neglected and Destitute Children, to form the Presbyterian and Scot’s Church Neglected Children’s Aid Society. The Scots’ Church Neglected Children’s Aid Society officially began its work…

Jesus People

Jesus People (Inc) was a Christian welfare service that was incorporated in Western Australia in 1974. Child welfare authorities made referrals to residential and youth welfare facililites run by Jesus People Inc. It was also known as ‘Perth City Mission’ and in 1997 became part of ‘Mission Australia’. Mission Australia has inherited the records of…

Launceston City Mission

The Launceston City Mission, Launceston Town City Mission until 1889, was founded in 1854. Its brief was to spread the gospel to non-church goers in inner city working class communities. In 2014, the Launceston City Mission is still active. Like the London City Mission, the Launceston City Missioners were Protestant but non-denominational. City Missioners saw…

Hobart City Mission

The Hobart City Mission was founded in 1852. Its brief was to spread the gospel to non-church goers in inner city working class communities. The Hobart City Mission is still active. Like the London City Mission, Hobart City Missioners were Protestant but non-denominational. They saw working class communities as a mission field because they seemed…

Home Missions Department of the Methodist Conference

The Home Missions Department of the Methodist Conference ran the Methodist Home for Babies and Unmarried Mothers (later known as the Kate Cocks Memorial Babies’ Home) in Adelaide from the time the Home was established in 1937, until 1950.

Adelaide Central Methodist Mission

The Adelaide Central Methodist Mission dates back to 1901. The Mission ran a number of homes in South Australia. In 1977, the organisation became known as Adelaide Central Mission. The Central Methodist Mission was the name adopted by the Methodist Church in Australia in 1884 to reflect a new focus by the church on its…

St Mary’s Mission of Hope

St Mary’s Mission of Hope opened in Adelaide in 1904, run by an independent management committee that reported to the Synod of the Diocese of Adelaide. The Home took in homeless girls, many from the Destitute Asylum. In 1922 toddlers were admitted and in 1930 teenagers were accommodated. During the 1940s Aboriginal girls from the…