The Churches of Christ are a network of charismatic Protestant churches that provide mutual support while accepting the differences between them. The first Tasmanian Church opened in 1865. The Church became known as the Disciples of Christ in 1885 and the Churches of Christ in 1915. The Churches of Christ in Tasmania ran Bethany Boys’…
Bethany Boys’ Home, run by the Churches of Christ, opened in Dover in 1947 and moved to Lindisfarne in 1956. Up to 18 boys, mostly wards of state aged between 2 and 18, lived there. From 1971 onwards, the Home also accepted girls. It closed in 1978. The gift of a house and land at…
The Churches of Christ in South Australia and the Northern Territory are a network of charismatic Protestant churches that provide mutual support while accepting the differences between them. Representatives from the Churches of Christ in South Australia formed part of the board of management which ran Morialta Protestant Children’s Home between 1924 and 1974.
Kedron House, situated at Kedron, was operated by the Churches of Christ. It functioned as a hostel for girls moving from the country for work or study in Brisbane. It catered for up to 22 residents. In 1964 the property next to Kedron House was purchased to cater for an additional five students. Kedron House…
Mackay Family Group Home was operated by the Churches of Christ. It opened in 1976 and was licensed in 1976 under the Children’s Services Act 1965 . A change of function was approved in July 2000.
Kingswood Lodge, in Berrinba, is operated by the Churches of Christ. It opened in 1993 and in 2018 is still licensed. Kingswood Lodge is a residential facility for adolescents.
John Thompson House, in Bundaberg, was operated by the Churches of Christ. It opened on 25 February 1980. A change of function was approved on 19 May 1998. As of 2019 we have been unable to find further information about this home. Please contact Find & Connect if you know more about this home.
Churches of Christ in Queensland is a group of mainstream Christian churches and divisional services which have provided a range of care and support services for the Queensland community for over 125 years. Churches of Christ in Queensland operates a range of services through Churches of Christ Care, including early childhood services, child protection, affordable…
Irwin Blowers House, in Clear Island Waters, was operated by the Churches of Christ. It provided youth emergency Accommodation. It opened 25 February 1980. A change of model was approved 21 April 1998.
Frank Gilson House was a family group home located in Maryborough. It opened in November 1970 and was the first family group home operated by Churches of Christ Care. It ceased to provide residential care c. 2000. The building retained the name ‘Frank Gilson House’ and operated as a Day Care Centre. [Taken from Celebrating…