The Church Missionary Society (CMS) is an Anglican missionary society founded in London in 1799. An auxiliary for the Church Missionary Society was first established in Sydney in 1825, followed by the formation of other CMS associations around Australia. In 1916, the Australian CMS associations came together as the Church Missionary Association of Australia and…
The Anglican Homes for Children Association operated Milleewa Home for Boys in Ashfield and the Windsor Farm Home for Boys at Freeman’s Reach. The Anglican Homes for Children Association is thought to have ended in about 1966, when Milleewa was handed to the Anglican Home Mission Society. The Anglican Homes for Children Association wrote in…
Anglican Deaconess Ministries Ltd is the modern name of the Church of England Deaconess Institution, a women’s religious order that ran children’s homes in Sydney. Anglican Deaconess Ministries Ltd holds records relating to the Deaconess Children’s Home and Domestic Training School, in Balmain, Ashfield and Annandale; Lisgar Training Service for Domestic Servants; Lisgar Children’s Home,…
Centacare Catholic Community Services Sydney was the welfare arm of the Catholic Church until 2011, when it changed its name to CatholicCare. It had previously been known as the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau. In the 1960s the Catholic Family Welfare Bureau had changed the nature of Catholic institutions by centralising admissions and requiring parents to…
Centacare Adoption Services was name of the organisation created when Centacare Catholic Community Care took over the running of Catholic Adoption Services in 1993. It dealt with adoptions in the Sydney Archdiocese of the Catholic Church. This organisation is now known as CatholicCare Adoption Services. Please refer to CatholicCare Adoption Services for further information.
The Dreadnought Trust was one of the first organisations to be involved in child migration in New South Wales. It raised funds to bring British child and youth migrant boys to Australia. The first Dreadnought Boys arrived in 1911. The scheme ended around the time of the Great Depression, in 1930. The Dreadnought Trust was…
The Big Brother Movement (BBM) was established in 1925 by Richard Linton, a Melbourne businessman, to sponsor youth migration from Britain to Australia. It was one of several non-government organisations involved in immigration to Australia in the 1920s. The Big Brother Movement was originally conceived as a form of sponsorship, by which each youth migrant,…
The Society for the Relief of Destitute Children opened an asylum for children in Ormond House, a mansion in Paddington, in 1852. The Asylum held 150 children aged 3 to 10 years who were defined as needy yet had not been admitted to the Orphan Schools. Every child admitted (including voluntary admissions) to the Asylum…
The Congregation of Christian Brothers is a world wide religious community within the Catholic Church that was founded by the Irish missionary and teacher Edmund Rice (1762-1844) in 1802. Their main focus is social justice and the evangelisation and education of youth and they have run hundreds of schools and institutions across the world. The…
New South Wales Baptist Homes Trust was established in 1944 to provide services to the aged and children. The Trust ran Leith House, Ruhamah, Carisbrook, Thorington and Karingal Children’s Home. In 1986, its name was changed to Baptist Community Services to capture the organisation’s expanding ministry.