The Neglected Children’s Department was established in March 1897. It was the first government department in Tasmania that specifically managed children who were considered to be offenders or neglected. In 1901, following Australian federation, Tasmania became a state and the state government took over the management of the Neglected Children’s Department. The Youthful Offenders, Destitute…
Anglicare Tasmania began in 1977. It was originally called the Diocesan Social Welfare Committee, and was established in October 1977 by the Anglican Church of Tasmania Synod. From 1983 until 1988 the organisation was called the Anglican Family Care Service. In 1988 it officially changed its name to Anglicare. Anglicare Tasmania assists people who have…
Community Hostels originally ran Mara House.
St Michael’s Priory, in Rokeby, became an approved children’s home in 1974. It accommodated children temporarily as part of a wider counselling and welfare service to the community of Rokeby. The Priory closed in 1977. The monastic community that became St Michael’s Priory began in a large house in Seymour Street, New Town, in about…
Hobart Women’s Shelter, run by a feminist collective, opened in about 1972. It provided temporary accommodation for women and their children escaping from domestic violence. The workers also advised homeless young women under 18 but it is not clear whether they gave them accommodation. In 2013, the Shelter is still operating. Prior to the establishment…
Annie Kenney Young Women’s Refuge opened in Hobart in 1978. It was a feminist initiative that provided emergency accommodation and support to young homeless women, many of whom were under 18. In 2009, the collective running the Refuge disbanded and the funding was returned to the Tasmanian Government for reallocation. Annie Kenney was established after…
The Boys’ Reformatory, run by volunteers, opened in the Female Factory at Cascades, South Hobart, in 1869. It provided an alternative to gaol for boys who were homeless or had broken the law. The boys were about school age. The Reformatory closed in 1876. The Boys’ Reformatory was run by volunteers under the provisions of…
Colony 47 was founded in 1973 as a community centre for young people. It ran Aspect House and continues to run Mara House. In 2014, it also offers young people support in finding accommodation and advice about careers and training. Colony 47 was founded by a group led by the Reverend Jon Colville, who wanted…
The Glenorchy Infant Orphanage opened in 1898. Originally a Mrs Fagg ran it but in 1902, she handed it over to a Miss Maum. The Orphanage had accommodation for 10 children and appears to have been for a young age range, about 1 to 10 years. It closed in about 1912. The Glenorchy Infant Orphanage…
Glenara Children’s Home replaced the Northern Tasmanian Home for Boys in 1973. It provided accommodation, some of it in cottages, for girls and boys, a number of whom were wards of state. Glenara closed in 1982. By the 1970s, policy makers were increasingly opposed to institutional care for children. In line with this thinking, the…