The Churches of Christ Christian Welfare Centre (CCCWC) was involved in administering Karingal, a Home for high school age girls. The CCWC purchased the Karingal property in April 1966 and sold the building to the Child Welfare Department in 1974.
Cockburn Youth Services Association ran Cockburn House, an emergency accommodation service for young people, from 1989 to 1993.
The Aborigines Department was created in 1926, taking over the responsibilities for Aborigines for the whole of the state of Western Australia that were divided previously between the Department of the North West and the Department of Fisheries. The Department had the Protector of Aborigines as its head. It was replaced by the Department of…
The Department of the North West was given responsibility in 1920 for Aboriginal people living in the ares of Western Australian above latitude 25 degrees south. The Department administered the policies of Chief Protector of Aborigines which included, who was legal guardian of every Aboriginal child as stipulated in the Aborigines Act 1905. In 1926…
The Fisheries Department had a brief role in the ‘care’ and ‘protection’ of Aboriginal children from 1920, when it was given responsibility for Aboriginal matters in Western Australian areas below latitude 25 degrees south. It administered the Aborigines Act 1905 in this area of the State until those functions were removed from the Fisheries Department…
The Department of Aborigines and Fisheries in Western Australia was created in 1909 by the amalgamation of the Aborigines Department and the Fisheries Department. The head of the Department, the Chief Protector of Aborigines, was the legal guardian of every Aboriginal child in Western Australia, as stipulated in the Aborigines Act 1905. In 1920, the…
Agencies for South West Accommodation (ASWA) was the new name given to Bunyap Inc. ASWA continued to provide supported accommodation services to young people who were homeless or at risk of homelessness throughout the south west of Western Australia. In 2011, ASWA became known as Accordwest. Agencies for South West Accommodation (ASWA) was new name…
Frontier Services was formed in 1977 when the Uniting Church was established and the inland missions of the Presbyterian, Congregational and Methodist Churches were combined.
The Albany Youth Support Association Inc. was established in Albany in the early 1980s to deliver youth welfare services and emergency accommodation for young people aged 15-25 years. It is better known as ‘Young House’ after the premises in which it is located in central Albany. Albany Youth Support Association Inc. was established in Albany…
The Catholic Diocese of Perth began in 1845 and extended from Albany to Darwin. Its vast territory was reduced over the years with the establishment of other Catholic Dioceses in Western Australia. From its beginning, the Perth Diocese has been active in the establishment and operation of Orphanages, Industrial Schools, Missions and Children’s Homes around…