Father Hudson’s Society was one of the British Children’s Homes which sent child migrants to Australia. It was established in 1902 as the ‘Birmingham Diocesan Rescue Society for the Protection of Homeless and Friendless Catholic Children’ in Coleshill, Birmingham but was soon known as Father Hudson’s Society after its founder, Father George Vincent Hudson. In…
NCH Action for Children was established as a charity in 1869 by Thomas Bowman Stephenson to stop children having to go into workhouses. In 1908 the organisation became known as the National Children’s Home and in 1937, 1939 and 1950 it was involved in child migration to Australia. Since 2008 the organisation has been known…
The Children’s Society was established in Britain in 1881 as ‘The Waifs and Strays Society’. From 1925 to 1961 they were involved in sending a total of around 400 children from their Homes in Britain to Australia. Children from The Children’s Society homes emigrated under schemes operated by The Fairbridge Society, The Church of England…
Mercy Community Services (Inc) was established by the Sisters of Mercy (Perth) in 1997 to carry on the services of the Catherine McAuley Family Centre. In 2002, the ownership of Mercy Community Services Inc was transferred to MercyCare Ltd which is legally and operationally separate from the Sisters of Mercy.
Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services took over the role of the former Uniting Church Child and Family Services in 1984. It was commonly known as ‘Mofflyn’ and was the principle residential child welfare agency of the Uniting Church in Western Australia. Mofflyn Child and Family Care Services was part of the merger of Uniting…
The Uniting Church Child and Family Care Services emerged in 1977 taking over the role of the Methodist Homes for Children as well as the broader responsbilties for Mogumber Training Centre and Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage Home. In 1978 it was part of the Uniting Church Caring Services, which also included aged care and various…
Sister Kate’s Children’s Cottage Home was established in Queen’s Park by mid-1934 when Sister Kate Clutterbuck moved with seven Aboriginal children from the Children’s Cottage Home at Buckland Hill in Cottesloe. The Home was funded by the Aborigines Department to house ‘fair skinned’ Aboriginal children. During World War II the children at the Home were…
Sister Kate’s Child and Family Care Services was the name given to the administrative body that ran the Sister Kate’s Children’s Home and Mogumber Training Centre after they were combined during 1980 – 1981 as part of a restructure of Uniting Church agencies. In 1988, following the appointment of Dean Collard as Director a year…
The Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance, known widely as the ‘Trappists’, came to Beagle Bay in Western Australia in 1895 to establish a mission. The mission was transferred to the Pallottines by 1901.
The Country High School Hostels Authority governed the operations of education hostels throughout regional Western Australia. These were hostels set up for children in rural and regional areas, who boarded at the hostel to attend school. It was not uncommon for children who were state wards to be boarded in one of the Authority’s hostels….