Parkerville Children and Youth Care (Inc) was established as a legal entity in 2005. Previously it was known as Parkerville Children’s Home Incorporated. It is the organisation that has inherited the history, records and ongoing operations of the Parkerville Children’s Home. In 2014, it also provided out of home care in metropolitan and regional Western…
The Collie Welfare Council was the independent management committee that ran the Koolingar-Mia Group Home in Collie from 1977 to around 1979. The Home was owned by child welfare authorities, but managed and staffed by the Collie Welfare Council.
Yanay Yenma was the Aboriginal body that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel, Geraldton from at least 1999 (possibly 1997) until 2009. In 2009, it passed the hostel management to the Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation.
The Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation is the organisation that ran the Boomerang Youth Hostel after it was transferred from the Yanay Yanma Aboriginal Corporation in 2010.
The Aboriginal Boomerang Council Inc was established on 30 August 1977. From 1979, for an unknown period, the Council ran the Aboriginal Boomerang Council Youth Hostel in Geraldton. The Council was deregistered on 17 February 1997 and the whereabouts of records is unknown.
Wanslea Family Services was established as the Wanslea Hostel Committee in 1946 and incorporated as Wanslea Family Services Inc in 1948. It ran the Wanslea Children’s Home in Cottesloe and in 2013 offered foster care and other family support services.
The Women’s Australian National Service (WANS) was established in Western Australia in 1941. From 1943 to 1946 it ran ‘Wanslea Hostel’, a Home for children who could not live with family due to parental illness or wartime absence. The Women’s Australian National Service (WANS) was established in Australia in 1939 and in Western Australia in…
The Independent Order of Oddfellows (IOOF) was established in Perth in 1898. In 1905, the IOOF built an orphanage to accommodate the orphan children of deceased members. By 1940, that orphanage had closed, but the IOOF continued to support fundraising efforts for other institutions accommodating children in the State.
Centrecare has been the the Catholic social services agency of the Archdiocese of Perth since 1977. Various programs have, and do, run under its umbrella. Centrecare has been involved in out of home ‘care’ but the organisation did not have a role in child migration, nor does it hold records relating to child migration. Centrecare…
The Council Presbyterian Children’s Homes was the name given to the committee that ran two Homes on behalf of the Presbyterian Church in Western Australia: Burnbrae (1938-1957) at Byford, and Benmore (1947-1963) at Middle Swan (Caversham).