The Melbourne Jewish Orphan and Neglected Children’s Aid Society was established in 1882. Its objects were to provide for destitute orphan or neglected Jewish children until they turned 16 and to find employment or promote the future welfare of children in its care. In the annual report for 1883, the secretary of the Department of…
The Department of Youth Justice and Victim Support was created following an election in November 2024, where the Department of Youth Justice was renamed. The Department runs youth detention centres in Queensland, and authorises the Department of Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety to provide access to youth justice records through its Right to…
The Immigrants’ Aid Society came into being in May 1853. A non-government organisation, its initial purpose was to provide relief and information only to new arrivals to the colony of Victoria, though its activities quickly expanded beyond providing aid to poor immigrants. Before the colonial government passed the Neglected and Criminal Children’s Act in 1864…
The Kindergarten Training College was established in 1922. Previously, kindergarten teachers were trained by the Free Kindergarten Union, established in 1908. In 1964, the Kindergarten Teachers College became a separate entity from the Free Kindergarten Union. In 1973 it became the Institute of Early Childhood Development. Graduates of the Melbourne Kindergarten Teachers College ran two holiday…
Meli is an organisation created in April 2023, following a merger of Bethany and Barwon Child Youth & Family (BCYF). Meli’s office in Hamlyn Heights (Geelong) is on the former site of the Geelong Female Refuge, established in 1868, and Bethany Babies’ Home (1928-1977). BCYF’s originated with the Geelong Orphan Asylum (established 1854), later known…
The Canossian Daughters of Charity is a Catholic order founded in Italy in 1808. They first came to Australian in 1949, and arrived in Darwin in 1970 with the purpose of establishing a residential children’s home – Bakhita Village. They ran the children’s home from 1972 until late December 1974, when it was destroyed by…
The Northcote Trust was established in 1936 following a bequest in the will of Lady Alice Northcote, wife of Lord Henry Northcote, third Governor-General of Australia, to assist “poor children of British birth of either sex, and particularly orphans, to migrate from any part of Great Britain…” (Melbourne Leader, 30 March 1935). The bequest was…
Gilead Boys’ Home was established in Narrogin around 1973 to accommodate Aboriginal boys in a family atmosphere. In the mid-1970s Gilead was used as a single-family foster placement by the Department for Community Welfare, accommodating boys and girls. It was run by the Gilead Boys Home (Inc), with house parents living with the children. It…
The Benedictine Missionary Sisters were a group of Catholic religious women who ran what was known as St Joseph’s Native School and Orphanage, New Norcia from 1904 to 1974. The Benedictine Missionary Sisters were encouraged, according to Massam (2008, p.205) to value ‘poverty, hard manual work, separation from family, obedience to a superior, and dedication…
The Children’s Cottage Home was established by Sister Kate Clutterbuck in 1933 in Buckland Hill. In that year it housed ten children from the Moore River Native Settlement (1918 – 1951). By August 1934, a new Children’s Cottage Home was opened at Queen’s Park and within a year the children and staff had moved there….